My first Echo - Friday the 19th

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California
Dear All,

I went yesterday for my first echocardiogram. It was good to get out of the house. The technician was happy with my echo but I noticed a little bit of a leak. She said that this is normal with mechanical valves. I am getting the results of the echo on Tuesday afternoon. But meanwhile, did anyone hear of this 'tiny' leak as norm?:confused:

I am happy that I started spacing out my Vicodin and yesterday was the first night I slept without a sleeping pill, and flat on my back and sideways:cool:

I hope to continue improving without any surprises on the road. Will let you know the official results of the echo on Wednesday.
It depends on where the leakage is from. Between the leaflets is expected, and if I remember correctly, aids in "washing" tiny clots off the valve, although I've never noticed this on an echo. A small leak around the sewing ring isn't uncommon. In fact, when I had my 6 month echo, the tech noted that my valve was the first she had seen that didn't have a leak around the ring. Ten years later, it still doesn't leak.
When docs listen to my valve they say it sounds nice and "crisp". Even so, my echo now shows trivial regurgitation on my pulmonary, tricuspid, and mech aortic valve. Mind you, this was a diff tech at a diff hospital than last time.
Hi Eva,

Glad to read the news about the echo going well. That's interesting about the small leak. I hope it doesn't mean anything unusual.

It's also gratifying that your recovery is progressing so well...reduced pain meds and sleeping lying down. GOod stuff!

Best wishes for a continued great recovery!

Hello Eva,
I'll be anxiously awaiting more info when you see your cardio on Tuesday. Sometimes tech tend to shoot off their mouths when they're not suppose to & only manage to frighten a poor patient to death. So wait to see what your cardio has to say before you jump to any conclusions.

I wish techs wouldn't do this!!! I'm sorry, but that pisses me off!
![/B] :mad:
Eva, I'm proud of ya:) be able to read an echo screen. They have always looked like a bunch of "mumbo-jumbo" to me:confused:. I would not give it a second thought until I talked with my doctor.

Norma Jean, my-my, such language from a lady;);), but you are right:D. Med Techs need to be very careful in how they respond to the patient during these tests.
Norma, I agree totally!
My regular tech never divulges any info....ever....and I respect that.
The last tech I had was a very rough man. And I mean rough!
He was jamming that transducer wand under my sternum so hard that I actually screamed out, he just pushed harder so out of my mouth came a word that wasn't very pretty or "lady like" either. Too bad. Then since he hurt me I guilted him into sharing some of the result info. Next time I'm taking my husband into the room with me and that tech will watch his step then....ha hubby won't get p-ssed....he'll get even!
Norma, I agree totally!
The last tech I had was a very rough man. And I mean rough!
He was jamming that transducer wand under my sternum so hard that I actually screamed out, he just pushed harder so out of my mouth came a word that wasn't very pretty or "lady like" either.

OK Bina, fess up...what was "the word?" We can take it. :D I have a mental picture already..."HEY YOU with that F*****g transducer...take it easy!"

Dear All,

Thanks again for all your responses. I agree technicians should not say anything, yet this will prepared me to ask the question on Tuesday in case the cardio maynot bring it up then. May God bless you all and protect you from any harm. Will let you know the 'official' results tomorrow or Wednesday morning as my computer is giving me some hard time these days--very slow. What calms me down is that I am feeling better everyday and I am enjoying the rest--it is not boring to me at all. In the past, even when I rested, I could not rest!! it was still tiring.
Note: I still do not hear the ticking (which I do not mind), and the 'thumping' is getting less and less. Best regards to all, Eva