here I am, flaming shirt and all

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2008
Baltimore MD
Just to prove I am a valver, here is my scar. Funny looking at it in a picture, I'm used to looking at it in a mirror and it looks like the slant is going the wrong way. The surgeon was a little upset that it was crooked, but I told him my nipples are lined up better if that any consolation.


That sure is some shirt!! Your scar doesnt look too bad , it doesnt
have any raised areas or keloids. I dont think most people notice if
the scar is lined up evenly. But everyone does seem to want to take
a peek--whether they are invited to or not!!
Anyhow, yours looks pretty good . And no keloids!!-CONGRATULATIONS!!:)
It looks really good now, and in a little bit, it will fade even more. One day you'll have to bring out the picture to prove you had the surgery!;)
I like the shirt! So are we allowed to use our own shirt to become part of the order? My surgery was back in 1997, so I don't know if I even qualify to be part of TOOTS.
thanks for the welcome. I can't believe I actually used to wear that in public! Not that long ago either. :D


Thanks for posting! I wish more members would be brave and post their scars. I think the newbee's are encouraged when they can see others with the same scar as they have. How many weeks post-op are you?? Take care Debbie :)
Balmer, yeah hon! I moved here from Nova Scotia 6 years ago, my accent is becoming very confusing to say the least.

I got operated on March 13, 2008, at St. Joseph's. So its been about (aboot) 5 months.

I'm actually getting kinda proud of my scar, isn't that weird? But I like my tatoos as well. Can you guess how many kids I have and their gender?

yeah, your scar looks great! And those teddy bears are just too sweet, best of luck and it will fade more and more each day, i know mine is
your scar looks AWESOME!!!

i have not been brave enough to look at mine yet, but soon

Thanks for the replies, for me, touching the scar was a hurtle to get over. I could look at it but it took a while for me to actually touch it. Strange eh?