Really taxing problem

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Got several thousands in surplus cash lying around? Send 'em to John & me!

We got a letter Saturday from our city that almost gave me a heart attack. I may still have one yet...

We closed on our home (newly built) in May 1996. We've been paying taxes, well, the mortgage company has, for 12 years. We have been told there's been a really snafu (in every sense of the word) and that no city taxes have been assessed on our home -- or on 104 other pieces of property -- in our small town for God knows how long.
We've been assessed and paid for school and county taxes, but someone really screwed up somewhere.

We're liable for 5 years' back taxes. (Thank God it's only 5 years, instead of 12!)

We haven't gotten a statement yet on how much we're talking, but I'm assuming it could be as much as $5,500.

The city says it had been sending the county appraisal district maps with info to code in for assessment. Don't know what the appraisal district says. May be a case of he said, he said.

Don't think we'll be penalized or fined. From what I've read, the taxes will become delinquent Feb. 1, 2010.

Until then, I suppose I should ask my cardio for some BP meds. (And my BP was 110/70 on 6/24 and that's without BP meds.)
That's horrible! I'd be choking after I read that letter. We had the same thing happen in our town last year with the same results; lots of surprised people with sudden large tax bills.
Wow! I guess I'm glad that I don't live in the city limits! We have School Tax, County Tax, and MUD Tax, which adds up to about $5000 each year. I don't know what I would do if I received an "oops we forgot" bill. At least it is only 5 years, and they've given you 18 months to pay it. I don't see how they could charge penalties if they never billed you for it. However, it's amazing what the government can get away with!
I just LOVE the city taxing authorities.

18 years ago we put an addition on our home. We added a family room and extended the kitchen, adding about 1/4 to the size of our house. A year later, our friends next door put a 2nd floor on their house. They double the size of their house. You are supposed to have a 3 year grace period before they reassess your home after any additions. Like clock-work - 3 years after our addition, our home was reassessed and our property taxes went up by about 1/3. Our friends have yet to have their home reassessed. Their home is probably 1/3 larger than ours and currently they pay ~$3500/year less in taxes. We keep threatening to turn them in for the reward - but they are our best friends - so that wouldn't go over too well. :) To top it off, they aren't do-it-yourselfers like we are, so they've had improvements done to their home and property over the years that require city permits. The city still hasn't caught up with them. According to the city they still live in a 2 bedroom home - not a 5 bedroom home!

I think it's only fair that they give you 12 years to pay the additional taxes!!!!!!!
Holy crud. Have you thought about forming a small association of the 104 property owners and seeing if you can fight this somehow. Maybe one of the 104 other owners is a lawyer who can help fight this. Standing alone, you may just have to pay it, but if all 104 of you were to fight back, you may stand a chance of having it thrown out somehow.

Best of luck, keep us updated.
I think I'd be calling the State Auditor and get his office involved. Sounds like someone found a way to take the money without getting caught or fudging the books.

Maybe we should start VR community trust bank for VR members only? I need about $6000 for my teeth removal and dentures, you need it for taxes etc. :(
We closed on our home (newly built) in May 1996. We've been paying taxes, well, the mortgage company has, for 12 years. We have been told there's been a really snafu (in every sense of the word) and that no city taxes have been assessed on our home -- or on 104 other pieces of property -- in our small town for God knows how long.
We've been assessed and paid for school and county taxes, but someone really screwed up somewhere.
Marsha -- see
We're liable for 5 years' back taxes. (Thank God it's only 5 years, instead of 12!)
That liability can be 'forgiven' by the Appraisal Review Board in your Appraisal District, but in Texas you must file your protest by a certain date which has passed for this year...(May 31, 2008), but be sure to file your protest by May 31, 2009. The Appraisal Review Board can be your friend in this case.. Just be sure to read "Texas Property Taxpayer's Remedies" before you protest. I served as a member and as Chairman of our County Appraisal Review Board for 5 years and once we refused - much to the dismay of the county and school district - to assess back taxes for 5 years on a non-profit entity who lost their non-profit status. The taxing entities took the case to the Texas Supreme Court and the Court agreed with us.
The city says it had been sending the county appraisal district maps with info to code in for assessment. Don't know what the appraisal district says. May be a case of he said, he said.
Communicate with the Chief Appraiser at the appraisal district and see what he/she says.. Those records are public - get a copy.
Until then, I suppose I should ask my cardio for some BP meds. (And my BP was 110/70 on 6/24 and that's without BP meds.)

GOODLUCK and don't give up..!!
This is exactly why I didn't escrow. I've heard about so many people getting railroaded that I felt it better to just fork over the 3 grand when it came time. It hurts so bad though.
It does seem to be highly unfair and unethical to charge you for their error.
Start talking to the group of 104 home owners and make a plan....there is strength in numbers. Good luck.
We don't know who all the other 104 property owners are. I'm assuming residents of our subdivision, about 18-20 homes, are included in the group; at least one has been there 15 years.
Our neighbors with children in school may know of others in town who are in the same boat as us.

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