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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
since no one seems to want to send Katie a shirt :D, but in keeping with the light-hearted spirit of this thread, here is Katie's medal of valor. Anyone seen a Princess Easter bunny who's had five heart surgeries hopping by? (the paper crown she made herself) :D Hugs. J.
Oh, she's so precious Janet (but I'm sure you know that already!).
Thanks for sending the pic...I can't help but feel though that it's so unfair that Katie has had to go through so much in her wee life already. She's had more than her fair share. She reminds me of my 5 year old, Sienna....lots of spunk and full of life! I"ll continue to pray for Katie,

Hugs, Yolanda
Is it Easter already??:D She looks so cute. You have quite the girl, she has gone through so much for her age. God Bless her!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
What an original!:) Who needs a tawdry shirt when you're a bunny!:):)
Long may Katie hop, hop, hop!:):):)
Thanks for helping me start my day out with a good laugh. She is priceless!
Katie is still first on my list of favorites. What a cutie she is and I just hope you can survive her antics as she gets older.;):D


Thanks, y'all. You are too sweet. I think Katie is adorable, but I have to openly confess that I am biased - VERY! I just hope that she starts liking clothes more as she gets older..........haha! or I could really be in for it! :D Much love. J.
What a beautiful daughter you have, She seems to be happier than
the kids who havent been thru 1/10 as much as she, I see that this
can happen and glad that it does.
May blessings to you and Katie:)
Thanks, y'all. You are too sweet. I think Katie is adorable, but I have to openly confess that I am biased - VERY! I just hope that she starts liking clothes more as she gets older..........haha! or I could really be in for it! :D Much love. J.

I told you before she's the apple of my eye! :D
she is utterly adorable....so sweet and innocent, i wish i could look half that cute;)
