How about skiing on Coumadin?

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I did post one in that mentions scissors:

Tobagotwo said:
Sports to avoid on Coumadin:

- Most sports that involve someone throwing knives, darts, or circular saw blades at you

- Games that include leaping through closed glass windows or breaking mirrors with your forehead

- All games that involve placing extremities in a woodchipper or garbage disposal, or running with scissors

- Sports in which you are subject to being dragged at high speeds along rough pavement by a rope attached to your foot, especially if there is no wheeled device involved.

- Any sports that include a body count in the scoring

Of course, I'm not on warfarin, and this is my list to avoid, too.
I suppose we could add the following Blindfolded events to the list: downhill skiing, lumberjack competitions, motorsports...

...and these team positions: Skeet holder, Javelin receiver, Lawn Darts downfield spotter.

Best wishes,
Bob, Thanks for the link.

Phillip, Masonje, and all Helmet Dorks (please notice that does include me):

The "dorky"/"loss of cool points" was not intended as advocation against helmet wearing. I too wear my helmet on a motorcyle (always have - once you have been involved in the treatment/physical therapy of a patient with closed head injury from no helmet then you realize the loss of cool points is worth it.) and on my bike when riding seriously. I haven't while skiing and probably won't unless/until I'm on Coumadin since I work really hard to avoid trees anyway. My choice without Coumadin is that I'm OK with the risk level of skiing without a helmet but I'm not a downhill racer or freestyle jumper. If I end up on Coumadin I will wear the helmet eventhough I lose my cool points.

davidfortune said:

Helmet sounds like a reasonable (although dorky) precaution. Don't get me wrong - I'm advising FOR the helmet. Just that you lose all cool points with the helmet.:( So get over it - ski reasonably, wear the helmet, embrace your inner dork, and have a safe, fun, time. Sometimes losing the cool points is worth it.:cool:

Please note - advocating for helmet wearing and reasonable skiing (no trees) in spite of the loss of cool points...
davidfortune said:

We all must avoid trees - evidence Sonny Bono without Coumadin.

Helmet sounds like a reasonable (although dorky) precaution.

Used to be true but, even the hardcore snowboarders wear them now. It hurts when you hit your mellon on a rail:eek: I will be snowboarding again and I WILL wear a helmet, but no terrain parks for me.
Thanks For The Support!

Thanks For The Support!

Muchly appreciated. I will no go ski whistler wearing a helmet, which I've made my daughter wear for two seasons now. Worst thing about fear is...fear. So, the first run will be nervous, but I'll get over it.

The doctors I've talked to have said it's no big deal. I wonder if you break a leg if it's fatal -- obviously if it is, I won't ski. But people tell me that people on wayfarin break bones, cut themselves, etc. and live to tell about it. I go. Until someone talks me out of it.