Hemorrhoid treatment

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Kind of a delicate subject, but a "friend of mine" ;) has had hemorrhoid problems ever since her first pregnancy. Nothing bad, just annoying and sometimes will bleed when irritated. Nothing to the degree, yet, that a doctor needs to be seen for it. Anyone have a recommended product or treatment?
After childbirth, "my friend", had the same situation....the hospital recommend a great product called Tucks (sp?) medicated pads. One of those tucked between the butt cheeks gives quick relief....not that I would know or anything.....Otherwise there is the good old Prep-H cream. Eat fiber, eat fiber, eat fiber. Do not strain.
Soft wipes are the best thing I have found. Keeps things from getting too irritated. Even the softest of TP can cause bleeding if things are "angry".
Thanks Karlynn for introducing this topic and thank everyone who has posted.

Interestingly enough, I also have a very dear friend who will benefit from this information.

Kind regards,
Apply a poultice filled with mashed bananas and prunes?..works every time:cool:

I think "my friend" got another hemorrhoid from laughing.:p

I will be sure to pass (no pun intended) along the information to "my friend". Keep the suggestions coming!
Ah, the joys of childbirth...

I had a late relative who found relief from applying witch hazel...

Reportedly certain "tissue" products can exacerbate the issue with their wood pulp "residues"...
Activia yogurt is really wonderful. It helps with regularity and softens things up. Bran is good too and Metamucil and prunes, plus lots of water.
Do you mix all of them together?

Do you mix all of them together?

Do you rub all of those things on at the same time, or just a few at a time? Seems awful messy to me. I have heard about the yogurt but have not tried the other things.
Kind regards,


It's important that you all know,
Preparation H is also good for curing baldness.

It doesn't grow hair but it does shrink the bald spot.

snicker/snort :D
Forgot to mention some things that can help with pain/itching

Dibucaine anesthetic ointment, over the counter
ProctoFoam (prescription)

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