2 Weeks Post Op Update

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I'm two weeks post of as of tomorrow. I feel fantastic. I am still sore from the sternum stuff. I am also getting ready to start cardiac rehab this week. I was told that cardiac rehab is pretty tough and they really push you. Does anyone have any eperience with this? Anyway, I am so happy I had surgery. Since I was born with a BAV and it just started leaking more and more I suppose I didnt realize how bad I was feeling. Going from a 4+ to 0 on regurg had made me feel like a new person!
Sounding great!

Rehab.....They push you, but only to the amount you can safely take. If your having problems, say so and they'll lighten up.
Good to hear from you.
Glad your feeling so well.
Keep up the good work, but be careful and rest.
I'm sure by now your body has told when its had enough, so make sure you listen to it when your in rehab.
Good Luck & take Care
Sounding real good! I took rehab, but couldn't get in it til a couple of months post-op. They do try to gradually increase the work load, but they monitor you very closely and do not unduly push.

I heartily recommend cardiac rehab. The nurses and exercise physiologists will gradually increase your workout levels and monitor all your vital signs as you exercise. It's great for the confidence level, and you can trade experiences with other cardiac patients. I am very glad I did it.

Did your heart surgeon clear you to start rehab at the 2-week point? It sounds a little early to me. One of the first things they will ask you for at rehab is clearance and/or script from your Dr. that tells them it is safe for you to proceed withg exercise.
You sound great!:)

I wish I had cardiac rehab. From what I've read here, it really helps you
recover more quickly.
Sounds like you are doing great, Boomer. Keep up the good work. I didn't take cardio rehab (unfortunately) but from what I've heard they only push you to the point they feel you can handle. Good luck with it.
boomersooner said:
I'm two weeks post of as of tomorrow. I feel fantastic. I am still sore from the sternum stuff. I am also getting ready to start cardiac rehab this week. I was told that cardiac rehab is pretty tough and they really push you. Does anyone have any eperience with this? Anyway, I am so happy I had surgery. Since I was born with a BAV and it just started leaking more and more I suppose I didnt realize how bad I was feeling. Going from a 4+ to 0 on regurg had made me feel like a new person!

I started cardiac rehab Jan 2nd. Being in good shape before hand really helps you bounce back quick. I feel like they can't push me hard enough yet, I like the peace of mind from the heart monitoring while I'm exercising, and they take your blood pressure during exercise the first 6 weeks. Treadmill for 30 minutes, started at no grade and 3.0 mph, now at a 4.5 grade, 3.5 mph, will increase this week to a 4.0 mph or just under a running pace. I hope to be allowed to run on the treadmill this week or next. They started me out at 2 sets of 12 repetitions with light weights, 3lb hand weights at first, I'm at 5 lbs now, Nautalus equip. leg lifts start at 10lbs, I'm up to 15 now, will start using the arm equip this week, push outs, pull ins. I ride the stationery bike for 15 minutes, it has arm things too, did not use those until 8 weeks post op. Finish with stretching, they take your blood pressure reading at the end of every visit, and go home. I feel good after the workouts.

I'm allowed to increase my repetitions and weight as the current weights feel easy. My rehab goes through March.

P.S. to get the sticky stuff off from the EKG tabs, try baby oil, taking those on and off 3 x a week irritates the skin. The tabs are 1 over your right collarbone, 1 over your left ribs.
Good work, its certainly a weird feeling after surgery when you feel better but never actually realised you felt bad in the first place.....

I did the rehab quite quickly after surgery (6 weeks i think, as soon as i could drive) but didn't feel i was getting much from it to justify the the cost and the travel time.....the tread mill was a little worn and slightly slippy under foot so i thought i was in more danger there than just walking around with my polar monitor on.

They don't push you too hard, they monitor your heart rate and your blood pressure and get you to keep below certain figures, if you go over they want you to stop.

Its worth a go, even the 3 visits i did were enough for me to get the confidence that i was perfectly ok and decide not to continue.

Hi Boomer,

News all sounds good.Let us know how the rehab goes.It sounds like life is a breeze now:) .
Jim P said:

I heartily recommend cardiac rehab. The nurses and exercise physiologists will gradually increase your workout levels and monitor all your vital signs as you exercise. It's great for the confidence level, and you can trade experiences with other cardiac patients. I am very glad I did it.

Did your heart surgeon clear you to start rehab at the 2-week point? It sounds a little early to me. One of the first things they will ask you for at rehab is clearance and/or script from your Dr. that tells them it is safe for you to proceed withg exercise.

I second Jim's recommendation, assuming your insurance will cover the cost, or most of it.

As others stated, my Doc's would not approve rehab until 6 weeks post op, then it took another 6 weeks to get in a group. By that time, I was rarin' to go...the nurses kept telling to keep a lid on it on the treadmill.

The 'Arm Cycle' Machines were GREAT for loosening up my tight arm / shoulder / upper back muscles.

'AL Capshaw'
Jim P said:

I heartily recommend cardiac rehab. The nurses and exercise physiologists will gradually increase your workout levels and monitor all your vital signs as you exercise. It's great for the confidence level, and you can trade experiences with other cardiac patients. I am very glad I did it.

Did your heart surgeon clear you to start rehab at the 2-week point? It sounds a little early to me. One of the first things they will ask you for at rehab is clearance and/or script from your Dr. that tells them it is safe for you to proceed withg exercise.

I also strongly recommend the rehab; it is great to be monitored.

I started rehab at 7 weeks post op (I am nine weeks post op now) and am on session #5. My routine includes: Warm up on bike, Stretching, Treadmill, arm cycle, bike w/arms and legs, then arms only, legs only, then treadmill. Blood pressure is taken before, during, and after cool down. Follow the instructors guidance and don't overdo.......they will be pushing your limits in no time but never more than you can handle. Continued success to you in your recovery. - Jim