Spent Good Friday in ER!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Northwest, IL
:( On Good Friday I went to have my INR checked. This past week I was having shortness of breathe and chest pains off and on that felt like it started underneath my ribcage and traveled up my neck and into my left arm. With just the slightest exertion, such as walking two blocks from the bus to the train it would bother me. I also had been complaining to my cardio nurse the last month or two that my blood pressure had shot up! I have always had pretty good reading. I told my cardio nurse about it and she said I should go straight to ER so I could get all the testing done at once to see if there was something wrong with my valves or arteries. They have the equipment there but you have to schedule appts to have all the test done. This way I could get everything done at once!

They did all the tests and bloodwork at ER including the Nuclear test that Weaky Cat ( Jean) mentioned on another thread! All the test came back negative. My blood pressure was going through the roof though. I even have welts on my arm to prove it! One reading was 215/115! I had even ripped off the first cuff they put on my arm after I went back to Er after my stress test, because it was too small. I wasn't having any problems with the cuff in the first ER room. This one everytime it automatically took a reading was pressing so hard into my arm, my whole hand was turning beat red and i was in a lot of pain. A blood pressure machine shouldn't be that uncomfortable or leave welts on you!

My cardio said my heart and lungs were fine though. I too did not have a problem with the nuclear test. I didn't have shortness of breathe during the test though it was somewhat uncomfortable when they put the dye in you when I was on the treadmill. They sent me home with a new medication though. You guessed it, high blood pressure medicine. I am now on 5mg a day of Norvasc.

My cardio said if I continue you keep having these pains we may do an agiogram. Right now they think it could just be either stress related, maybe I pulled a muscle or something else is going on.

To be honest though it could be stress related. I just found out my 14 year old cat Cleo has hypertyroidism. I had blood work done on her a week ago and learned the results Monday. I had just put my other cat KC down last fall. She was 16. I did get very depressed during that time. My sister in law had just passed away too. I guess I thought I was over it but probably finding out Cleo is now on Meds must have un nerved me. I have been very irritable this past week. I'm not a very nice person when I'm irritable.:(

On another note I need some input. I took my INRatio machine to the cardio office on Friday to check it once again with theirs so i can start home testing. They are both INRatio. Their reading was 3.7 for my INR. An acceptable range for having two mechanical valves. My machine reading was 4.8! How can I home test with such a variance? I know we did a thread about a month ago about variances in the machines. Has anyone had to send their monitor back to QAS to be recalibrated? I had called them a few weeks ago because my first comparison with my cardio office wes: their monitor: 3.4. Mine was 4.0. That wasn't too far off. With a INR of 4.8 I would think I would have to adjust my dosage. With their monitor I would be fine. I plan to call QAS tomorrow but I was just looking for inputs. I do know the readings would never be exactly the same but I think this is too big of a variance. All replies would be appreciated. I want to start home testing and not have to go to the cardios office every month!

I know I don't post a lot, because I'm usually too busy working and commuting to work. A long day! I do read the threads though, even though I never have time to post. I always keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers though I don't get a chance to post and say it. Thanks!
Hi Lorraine - Very frustrating, huh?! Hope the bp med helps. As I was reading about the bruising automatic bp cuff, I recalled reading a very frustrated post from Al Capshaw some time ago about it also. It could cause quite a problem, if I remember the thread correctly; maybe you could search for the old thread? Take care.
Quite a day you had Lorraine !

I'm glad you "ripped off the BP Cuff that was making your hand turn red". That is exactly what needed to be done to save your arm from a nasty injury.

I had a similar incident with an automatic BP machine cuff while on Lovenox. My whole arm turned PURPLE from Biceps to Wrist and swelling to 2 inches larger than my opposite arm!

"What the World Needs Now" is a Gold Standard for measuring INR !

It seems there is a fairly wide tolerance on ALL machines. Thankfully it seems to be better than just measuring clotting time directly which was subject to even wider variations due to reagent properties and other factors.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Al! I justed posted on your old thread when I read Susans reply! Thanks Susan. I thought I was going insane!

Yeah Al! It was quite a day! Not how I wanted to spend Good Friday! I probably wouldn't have had any bruising at all if I had ripped off the second cuff like I did the first one when they first brought me back from my stress test. After four times of it going off and crushing my arm I did say NO WAY! Why don't these nurses pay attention? I couldn't believe the RN wanted to move it to my other arm. I was a total b-tch by that time. He got my wrath!

Yes there needs to be standard monitoring eqipment. When a cuff is crushing down on your arm it should automatically release without manually doing it. I'm sorry to hear about your exprience but I can certainly relate and whole heartedly (no pun intended :D ) sympathize with you. Glad I found your thread! Thanks for your input!
Dear Lorraine,

Your profile does not mention the cause of your valve problems - but I am wondering if they were leaking due to abnormal tissue?

When I read about chest pain and soaring high blood pressure in someone with valve abnormalities, alarm bells go off about connective tissue problems and possibly an abnormal aorta.

Here are two articles about a 64 slice CT scan. The Time article mentions three things to look for regarding chest pain: heart attack or blockage of the arteries of the heart, blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism), and the aorta.



When there is no blockage of the coronary arteries and no heart attack, the aorta should be checked. Any CT with contrast will show the aorta, but a 64 slice is the best if available.

Usually heart attack or blocked arteries of the heart are the focus. When that is not found, instead of looking at the aorta, other theories such as anxiety or stress are mentioned.

High blood pressure, or blood pressure that goes up and down quickly, is often found in those with connective tissue problems affecting the aorta.

If this were myself or my family member, I would have a CT scan with contrast asap - a 64 slice if possible. In the mean time, I would keep my blood pressure low and avoid lifting or activity that might raise my blood pressure and put stress on the aorta.

I am not sure where you are located, but someone told me recently about having a 64 slice CT prior to surgery at Northwestern in Chicago.

I hope Lorraine, that your aorta is all right. But guessing is too dangerous. Today there are scans that can show what is going on inside - there is no need to guess.

Best wishes in finding help,

Very sorry you spent Good Friday in the ER ... and sorry about all of your news as of late. You know how to reach me if you need anything....

In the meantime, thoughts/prayers coming your way in earnest....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Money can't buy happiness" ... Don Williams ... 'One Good Well'
Be careful and be persistant -- ya' hear me?

I read a lot (as many here do) and as I recall, the symptoms of angina and blood flow irregularities are different for women than men, and many of the ER techs, and even doc's, aren't very good at diagnosis among women. My wife has some pain issues, and nobody seems to be able to figure it out. (I am sending her to my cardio, appt is tomorrow. Maybe some answers there.)

Keep pressing for answers until you feel that you have the entire picture. Our prayers are with you.
Hi Lorraine,

Was wondering about you GF:confused: Did not hear from you after lunch. Was just about to write...low and behold your post. I am very sorry to hear about the BP. Hope with some fine tuning you will be on the right track. From what I understand.....it can take awhile to find the drug that works best to control the BP. If you hit it straight away....great!

Steve, hope your wife is doing better.

Take care.
Hi Everyone,

I?m sorry I didn?t get to get back on the thread I created last Sunday. As I?ve said, I have more chances to view than I do get to post. I did log on Tuesday night though and replied to a lot of comments about what everyone said and asked. When I went to submit reply though, vr.com said I wasn?t logged on and I lost the post that took me about 45 minutes to write. I was soo upset that I finally had some time to write and then lost the post. I know I logged in before I started. Are you only allowed so much time to submit a reply when you log on?

Phyllis mentioned that I should make sure when going to ER to have them check the Aorta when complaining about chest pains and not just the arteries. I was under the impression that they did check my Aorta. I have not met with my cardio since being in ER. I do have an appointment for my INR this coming Friday and plan to call and say I want to see my cardio too, as a follow up for them putting me on blood pressure medicine. I will ask him about that to make sure. Thanks for commenting on that. Also thanks for the other posted you created concerning this. It?s a very good point.

I did not go to ER because I felt it was an emergency. I went because my cardio nurse (when I went in for my INR) said I should go after I described the pains I was having. I was concerned since the pains were in the area where my mechanical valves were and thought maybe the sutures broke away from the valve ring or something. Like I said, I had this real bad cough/cold in February and had been having mild pains every since. The nurse just wanted me to be seen where they could get all the testing done in one day, opposed to making multiple appointments, which would take time. We wanted answers immediately and after all the testing my cardio said it wasn?t heart related. He did say that if it did persist we would do an angiogram, which we didn?t do that Friday.

I?m actually feeling somewhat better. On Sunday I noticed when I was sitting on a bar stool in my sisters basement that the pain seem to start on my left side near my left butt, and travel up the left side of my back, then below my left rib cage and then I would get a pain that traveled up my neck and shoulder and down my arm. I do have a sciatic nerve that flares up once in a great while. I had forgotten about it since I haven?t had it flare up in a long time. I wouldn?t just get the pain in the lower body though, it always would travel into my back and up. So my next plan of action is to visit my chiropractor. I haven?t seen him before OHS. I think it became a catch 22 with the pain. I would get the pain, I would become anxious, my blood pressure would go up and the cycle would keep repeating itself. The more anxious I became, the more my blood pressure would go up. I?m not saying that I don?t think that I need the blood pressure medicine. I know I do, because over the last year I noticed it creeping upwards from the level I use to be.

Steve: I most certainly will be diligent with the doctors if the pains get worse and I deduct it isn?t my sciatic nerve.

Cort: Thanks for the prayers. I almost tuned into to you last night until I read your post to Mary telling her you wouldn?t be on this Friday. :eek:

Anne: I am feeling significantly better than a week ago.

Gina! GF! Yeah, I meant to send an email but as always too much to do and not enough time. :( I know it takes time for the blood pressure to work. At this point I?m on a low dose. 5mg. I check my blood pressure every couple of days at different times just to get a sense of where it?s at. It seems to have come down a bit. Then again when I was in the first ER room before I went for the stress test, my pressure was slightly elevated some of the time, but otherwise the readings looked pretty normal. It was after they put me in that second ER room and a different RN put the cuff on me that the machine mal functioned as Al Capshaw has attested has happened to him also, that my blood pressure was through the roof. In fact a week later I still have the marks around my upper arm! :mad:

I will post more about this when I find out more. I?m still having occasional twinges of pain but mostly in my left butt and back into my arm. Better to check things out though and be safe than sorry. Thanks for everyones help and support. That's why I love this place. :D :cool:
Glad to read an update Lorraine and I agree- much better a pain in the butt than the heart!:D


My age 39 year old daughter had a stress test yesterday..due to high b/p..meds not working and some pain in her chest..thankfully, all normal..:) Her doctor had added a little more b/p meds last week. doctor doing the stress test..told her..STRESS:D ..Becoming a Mother to 2 adopted beautiful children at age 37, buying a new home (due to the schools)In Ga. you go to the school) in your neighborhood and where they were lving was not that good.(school)Now, the best..Drew will start Kindergarden in public shcool..not a mile away..and they are building a middle/highschool in near future.(same area)..she has to get up early/breakfast/daycare and drive 1 hour into Atlanta for work..and 1 1/2 hour home (if she is lucky)...traffic...she is also overweight..Not time to exercise..tries at night on threadmill, ect.I told her to try to take 30 minutes at lunch for a nice walk.........I know the feeling about losing pets..I have a cat (K.C., too:D who is age 15 this July..Lucky, she is well..:) she is a great cook..but needs to figure out something to do about her weight.(Cooking late/eating)..I am not the one to tell her..since I , too, need to lose about 20 lbs.:p B/T/W..her nurse yesterday was her College roommate....Hope your b/p comes down..Stress is an everyday part of life..My Grandson will turn age 15 this summer with driver's learning license. he drove me nuts over this past weekend about how bad my driving is..Like he knows it all.:eek: what worries me..the know-it-all teenager.:p Bonnie
Lorraine said:
Cort: Thanks for the prayers. I almost tuned into to you last night until I read your post to Mary telling her you wouldn?t be on this Friday.


I'm betting you aren't the only one. I already know of some who actually did tune in ... and still others who've apologized for forgetting last night's show ... he he. I'll be on the air next week, though :).

Anyway ... you are very welcome. And, I'm sure you know already they are continuing for you. VERY glad to know that you are feeling much better :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
my radio show:CD SHOWCASE.7:30p central.Friday/April 20 = www.wrmn1410.com

I couldn't agree more!:D I thank you again for your information.

Ross: I’d preferred just going to ER than what you went
to know that we can go to them when we really have too, but dread them at the same time. On weekends and holidays, I find hospitals are usually short staffed during those times. Some staff are not that alert to paying attention to the patients or whats written down on their chart, if they look at them at all. :eek:

Bonnie: I liked your post because when I was released from ER, they did say it could just be STRESS! I like your daughter am over weight. In the past 4 years I've gained back 20#. I too have a long day, getting up at 4:45am, leaving for work at 6:15am to catch a train to Chicago for my job and I don't get back home until 7:00pm. I never eat dinner until about 8:30pm and then within an hour I'm going to bed. Not good for keeping the weight down. :( Funny you mentioned to your daughter about at least exercising by taking a 30 minute walk during lunch. I always have good intentions of doing that but after I eat I find myself lying my head down on the desk and resting for that half hour. I need that little power nap!

At certain times of the year my job is very stressful (like now). I coordinate exams from start to finish, as our College Law professors do not give their own exams. All the preparations keep me very busy starting in February until exam end! I also do registration for all students that are permission classes only. They can all register for electives and their upper level required courses online but not lower level required classes or permission only classes. Which is going to start tomorrow. Yeah right in the middle of my preparations for exams in May. May is also graduation, after exams and I process all potential graduates applications plus during commencement, That also starts the beginning of February. I am in charge of Legacy Alumni Hooders who will hood their graduate family member at commencement. So I have a full plate. This is why I usually can’t post until weekends.

Cort: I knew you would get a kick out of my comment! J Again thanks for your continuing prayers. It looks like I won’t be able to catch your show this week either, as our family reunion is this coming Friday. L I will listen on the 28th though! Carol is suppose to come over and I told her about your show. We will both tune in. I see you have Charlie Daniels on your playlist. Do you have “ Devil went down to Georgia”?
I just want to say, again I logged on before I started to write, but since it took so long for me to write it all , when I went to submit my reply, vr.com said I wasn't logged on. Luckily I copied and pasted my post to a word document before I submitted my reply and was able to go back and paste it back into the forum. Otherwise I would have wasted more time trying to post. Now that's stressful!:(
When you log in, make sure the box is checked for "remember me" and then don't delete cookies.


LOW Rain.....

Don't they ever give you a vacation!! Girlfriend, it sounds like you need to take a little 'sick time' and relax for a minute!! :eek:

You know we never did get a answer as to what was wrong with Ryan when he went to ER a month or so ago with chest pain. But that didn't stop them from sending him a bill for over $4,500.00 Next time it probably will be heart related and he won't go! :eek: I would think after all those tests and all those years in college the crazy doctors could at least give you an 'educated' opinion! :(

Take care of yourself!


Daughter really didn't want to go for her stress-test..either..Knowing the cost..but went ahead with it..Now, that she knows it is stress....perhaps she will try to rid some of it....both of my children have now had a stress test. I think they give their doctors my history and their doctors jump all over for expensive tests.:mad: Now, they both know..Mama did not give them any bad heart problems.:) A relief..but expensive for them to know this.:D ....Maybe next time..when they are stressed out. ..don't tell doctors about their Mama:pHope it was just stress for Ryan too.B/T/W..great job you are doing for reunion this summer.:) Bonnie
Lorraine said:
Cort: I knew you would get a kick out of my comment! J Again thanks for your continuing prayers. It looks like I won?t be able to catch your show this week either, as our family reunion is this coming Friday. L I will listen on the 28th though! Carol is suppose to come over and I told her about your show. We will both tune in. I see you have Charlie Daniels on your playlist. Do you have ? Devil went down to Georgia??


Indeed I do! I'll TRY to save Charlie Daniels for the 28th, but I can't make any promises.... If I do manage to save Daniels for the 28th, be sure you and Carol Email me during the show so I know you are listening and ready to hear the song ;).

And, you are, of course, welcome ... as you already know, I'm sure :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
my radio show:CD SHOWCASE.7:30p central.Friday/April 20 = www.wrmn1410.com

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