Recovery after angioplasty?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
As if things couldn't get more interesting around here, I spent Valentine's Day evening in the hospital, getting an echo of my femoral artery. It turns out that I have narrowing of the femoral artery (where I was hooked up to the bypass machine during my valve surgery eight months ago), and I'll need an angioplasty sometime this week.

What I'd like to know is if any of you have had angioplasties, and how long it took you to recover (go back to work, etc.) I'm curious because as a teacher, I need to make plans for my sub and figure out if I'll be gone the rest of this week, or even part of next week as well. My cardio explained to me that he may be able to balloon the artery open, but if he can't, I'll need a surgical angioplasty.

Thanks in advance,
So sorry to hear about this latest development. You have had quite a year you poor thing. I'm sorry that I can't offer you any of the info that you are looking for but I did want to offer you a ((((BIG HUG)))) to help you get through this little bend in the road. I can empathize about preparing for a sub - I taught middle school for 11 years so I know what you are delaing with. Take Care! and Hope all goes well for you.

Do they think the narrowing is related to your having been hooked up to the bypass machine by that artery or is it totally unrelated?

Poor you.:(

My *guess* is that recovery from an angioplasty should be no different than recovery from any Heart Catheterization. It all depends on what type of CLOSING is used (and there are several different methods).

If they use a plug or stitches, you could probably be up and about in hours. If they just use pressure, it may be wise to take at least a couple of days off, maybe more, but almost certainly no more than a week (or the remainder of the work week).

Note that an angioplasty of the femoral artery may be quite different from angioplasty of the heart arteries. ASK your Cardiologist about that.

FWIW, I've have MANY cath's and 2 angioplasties. The ONLY negative experience was a Hematoma that developed after returning to work only 2 days after the procedure and sitting (leaning forward) for hours on end.

Bottom Line: 3 to 5 days is probably sufficient. Just don't over exert yourself or you leg for a couple of weeks.

'AL Capshaw'
Sorry, Debi, to hear about your troubles! Unfortunately, I don't have any advice but wanted to ask you if you had any symptoms or was this discovered at a routine check-up?
My husband had his mitral valve repaired May 06 so naturally I am a bit worried... Pre-surgery he had a cath. They went in his arm and it was no problem, he was able to go home the same day. A guy there had a angioplasty and they told him he'd be discharged the next morning. I think, you may probably be adviced not to drive for two weeks, but don't remember details.
Best of luck to you!

Hi, Astrid--Yes, I did have symptoms of well, a really ice-cold foot off and on for a couple weeks. I had thought it was the change in weather, but when I mentioned it offhandedly to my parents, my dad (who dropped out of med school 50 years ago) told me to call my cardio right away. I ended up driving to my cardio's office that day and telling the nurse. She felt for a pulse, and there was none, and then she promptly called my cardio, who instructed me to do to the hospital right away to have it checked. Fortunately, it's not anything too urgent, but my cardio does want to remedy this problem as soon as he can.

I did call my cardio's office right before their lunch break and spoke to the nurse (my cardio is at his other office today). She doesn't know when my angio is scheduled, and I plan to work until my date. However, she said Dr. V is supposed to call her today with details, and I asked her to have him call me since I have a few questions for him (namely how long he expects I'll be away from work). The nurse told me to expect to be away from work until March 5th since Dr. V will want to see me in his office at least seven to ten days post-angioplasty. I just finished drawing out plans for my sub through March 2.

Adrienne-- Yes, according to Dr. V this is all surgery-related. Might be scar tissue, might have closed in on itself a little, who knows. He says the area of narrowing is right where I had the tubes for the bypass machine in my right groin.

I have to laugh, though, it's been a crazy year, that's for sure! :rolleyes: But don't feel sorry for me; it's just life. My cardio's wife was actually surprised to see me when I showed up in the office last Wednesday. She commented, "If it's not one thing with you, it's something else, isn't it?" before she gave me a huge hug. Great people at the cardio's! :p

I'll let you all know what happens as soon as I get word.
Thanks, Debi, for the explanation. Glad you had it checked out and glad you have prudent doctors. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and will be checking your updates. :)
Take care!

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