Very Sad

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Just wanted to share this. My friends brother died Wed. from heart failure. He was 45, a wife and two teenage girls. I got to know him while in the waiting room. He also needed AVR but was very afraid of the surgery. I let him know how pleased I was that I had gone ahead with my AVR and that it was not nearly as tough as I thought it would be. He was symotomatic, had blockage and still thought he could get by without surgery. He told me his cardio said he was still and the gray area......wait and see.

I wish he would have joined this site. I told him how much peace I had gain from all of you and that you helped me walk into the hospital with confidence.

Please, please if you are trying to put off any needed medical procedure think of Rick and the ones he left behind.

I am sorry to hear this, it is sad. actually I was just posting on a CHD list to a husband who's wife is 35 and has an ASD which hasn't been repaired because they hear about all the complications from heart surgery. it is just sad, Lyn
What a tragic story. It makes me very sad also. It is especially sad since there was a good fix for his problems. He died so young.
How very very sad. This is why, when we get into discussions about valve choice, we always agree on one most important thing: The only bad choice is not having the surgery. We had someone join a few years ago who's husband was refusing to have the surgery done and he was in CHF.

I just don't understand how death can be less powerful than fear, if that makes any sense?
I used to visit heart patients when I volunteered for Mended Hearts. I met a few times with a patient who was so afraid of surgery she refused it. She eventually died. I was not able to convince her, even having had 2 OHS at the time, that it was not intolerable.

I guess we all have to make our own decisions. It's just tough when there is family that suffers.

I will pray for your friend and his family.
I know this weekend is going to be hard on you. I'll be saying a prayer for you as well as your friend's family. For most of us, once we hear our news, we know what we have to do. This man's tragically unnecessary death makes it all so clear how sincerely helpful our family on can truely be and how we can actually help change a person's outcome for the best. I know I, for one, will be forever grateful for the compassion shown to me.
My best to you,
My very sincere condolences

My very sincere condolences

to this man's family.

You know, the thought of NOT having surgery never crossed my mind. I just knew what I had to do because I didn't want my heart to be damaged any further from my very leaky mitral valve.

So sad, but it was HIS choice. Death is not the end, you know.

Christina L
So sorry

So sorry

So sorry to hear of you and your friends loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Take care and may God bless you and help you through this time of need.
Wow...that is sad. How terrible to leave behind his wife and girls!
Things like this make me hurt inside, but realize that the worst thing to do is wait. I was so stubborn about my own symptoms that I actually considered waiting until June (after school's out for the year) to call my cardio. It literally took my principal to tell me to either see my cardio or not work.

Wish something had enlightened this is just way too fragile.

Debi (debster913)
This is very sad:( I was scared too and the fear was making me sick. I knew the alternative was death and that definetly freaked me out leaving my kids behind. The surgery is the best thing I did for myself and my loved ones. God bless his family and I too am so grateful to everyone on this website who take the time to share their experiences and stories to help people who feel lost in their time of need. I was even thinking that cardiologists should tell there patients about this site. It would be awesome if everyone who is in pre-sugery / post OHS and so on to have this support. I know I have recommended this site to several people I have met and known and I will continue to do so:) Much love and graitude to everyone here...


I am sorry to hear this..sometimes, people just think..they are different.and this will not happen to me...After, I joined VR.Com..and was telling my neighbors wives about coumadin..(several had hubby's on it)...they just laughed at me..Told me, I was being overconcerned ..that their hubby's were never tested more than every 3 months, ect...I just gave up talking about it....Several months later, one (hubby) passed out from taking Vit.E.hit his head. on coffee table...911 called and in hospital for a few days. the other friend's Hubby died last year while on their winter home in Az...she has been here in the summer. See her driving around alone.I heard he just died at a Potluck supper.Don't know her that well and would never ask her , anyway...Just remember that she was one to tell me. not to worry about taking Coumadin..Hubby was only tested every 3 months.:eek: bonnie

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