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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
WHAT wires? Nobody said nuthin' about no wires! Oh my God! Does everyone have to have their wires out? What's going on?

And what's up with the scar? The incision is really bugging me!! When does it stop? Bitch, bitch, bitch! But hey, after 10 weeks, I have to admit I'm feeling pretty good! Can't swim yet, the scar bugs me!

I have some of my xrays, taken immediately after surgery and a few days later, I can see loads of wires and tubes, plus the wires around my sternum - fascinating.

My scar doesn't itch but if I rub it is is slightly tender and we are fourteen months on. :)
I don't have wires, apparently. My surgeon says he used dacron thread to sew my sternum shut. Said it was his experience that there is less risk of reaction/infection with the plastic. I would wonder if the plastic would unravel :eek: , but apparently not.

You should call your surgeon's office and find out what was used. NO, you do not need to have the wires removed! Some say that they can hang magnets on their chests, some say they set off metal detectors at the airport. I'm not sure about that!! :p

It is true that some people have had wires removed. Generally, nothing needs to be done about them.

My scar has only itched a little bit here and there. As I've said in another thread, it is still very very tender at 5 months out. I wonder, if, since my incision is only 5 inches long, if it didn't then take a bigger beating getting in and out in 4 hours, than a larger, more splayed open kind of incision.

I found that once in awhile I could press my whole palm over the incision area and get sort of a relaxing feeling. As if my whole hand pressing softly was okay and made me know that all was well. But just running lotion or soap over it is not fun.

So glad to hear that you are feeling so good at 10 weeks. It's amazing, in a way, isn't it?? :D

Marguerite53 said:
Some say that they can hang magnets on their chests, some say they set off metal detectors at the airport. I'm not sure about that!! :p

Actually, i can hang a fridge magnet from my chest and I do set off metal detectors, not all of them but some do go off. It's actually fun to screw with the attendant and finally show them the scar. I have more wires in my sternum than most. (Kinda a big guy.)
Ben Smith said:
Actually, i can hang a fridge magnet from my chest and I do set off metal detectors, not all of them but some do go off. It's actually fun to screw with the attendant and finally show them the scar. I have more wires in my sternum than most. (Kinda a big guy.)

Your kidding right? I tried it, didn't work. Besides I thought they used Stainless Steel Wires.
Ben Smith said:
Actually, i can hang a fridge magnet from my chest .

That is too funny.
We should make some of those "ribbon" magnets people put on thier car - in a special color for OHS, just the right size to put on the chest.

As I have said before, I learn something new here everyday.
temp69 said:
WHAT wires? Nobody said nuthin' about no wires! Oh my God! Does everyone have to have their wires out? What's going on?

And what's up with the scar? The incision is really bugging me!! When does it stop? Bitch, bitch, bitch! But hey, after 10 weeks, I have to admit I'm feeling pretty good! Can't swim yet, the scar bugs me!


the wires are used to hold your sternum togethersince the bone is broken (cut) I think usually there are 3 on xray they look like the little bread bag ties.Lyn
yep - real wires. They give you an xray on your first visit to surgeon after surgery. Ask him/her at that time how many you have - or you'll never know. Sometimes we have discussions called 'how many wires do YOU have'. I can never play because, like you, I was shocked to find that I am wearing wires inside me.

My dr's nurse practitioner told me they look like bread ties.
Surgery Wires

Surgery Wires

They look like this. These are mine:eek:




So when you travel do you have to have paperwork with you in case you set off the metal detectors?
CathyK. said:
So when you travel do you have to have paperwork with you in case you set off the metal detectors?

I carry my valve card in my billfold, but I have't set anything off--yet!:D
hensylee said:
Randy, yours look like writing in a foreign language -

LOL yep, you would of thought he could of least clipped the tag ends off of those wires.:D
Wired but in the Dark

Wired but in the Dark

I didn't find out about the wires until months after surgery, and, sure enough, I found out from good old vr.com.For some time I had felt little points that felt like they wanted to pop out of my sternum area. (That sensation has now subsided.)

I think I was pretty well informed in advance about the major aspects of my surgeon, but not so about the wires. Wonder why they seem not to explain that (I gather from others' experiences as well). I sure prefer the wires to NOT being held together. :D
OK Y'all, you have gone and done it!!! You have grossed me out! When I read the post op report about how they first had to remove all the old wires when they cut the sternum and then replace them, I was pretty unnerved. But the pics lately of scars ( I am SO jealous of the samll ones!!) and then the wires is just too much for me! And I look at gross things EVERY day at work. I think that just the thought of what has gone on inside my chest is TMI for me. Karen:p
Those of you who have itchy scars - use neomycin (or any topical antibiotic) plus - with lanacain. It's wonderful.
How and why did you two get ahhold of your Xrays? They are truly fun!

Ben. Thanks for speaking up.....I just couldn't remember if it was silly talk, or true. I was halfway looking forward to trying it on myself but then found out about the dacron thread. :(
