Has your job/work changed you?

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going along w/ the childlife type thing. How close are you to a childrens hospital? I know when Justin was in the hospital, there would be people/groups that would vol once a week or less often to hang out in the playroom and play w/ the kids do crafts, play video games, maybe you could try something like that and see how you like it and it would be a good way to meet new people and see what kind of jobs there are in hospitals that you might be interested, and if you don't like it you can quit and the worse that could happen is you made some kids a little happier in a not so fun time of their life, Lyn
ps maybe if a 'regular" hospital is closer you could see if they would like some volenteers on the ped floor
Lynlw said:
going along w/ the childlife type thing. How close are you to a childrens hospital?

Sadly, not close. The closest one (that I know of) is Children's Memorial in Chicago, where all of my surgeries have been. I'd rather not do that type of commute ;).

Lynlw said:
maybe if a 'regular" hospital is closer you could see if they would like some volenteers on the ped floor

Actually, Provena St Joseph here in Elgin has a "partnership" of sorts with Chicago's CMH. Hmmm.... ;).
Time for change

Time for change

It sounds like the job has become toxic and is starting to poison you. Keep the search up for another job something will come to you it?s just a matter of time. It may seem like eternity to come up but it will happen, don't give up hope. Unfortunately with the US health insurance situation you just have to be sure that the insurance is acceptable with the new job. I will let the ladies continue to give you the relationship advice. :)

While I love the relationship advice from the ladies, would be nice if they could FIND someone for me ;). He he he he he

Seriously, tho, OME, I'm not giving up hope on finding a new job ... tho, I admit, that hope continues to dwindle. But, well, ya never know ;).

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