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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
We went to talk with the oncology department today and finally got the results of all the tests.He has edenocarcinoma..stage 4. It is in his right lung, his right rib, the bottom of his spine, and maybe in his upper jawbone. They are not sure if what is in the jaw is the same thing... Surgery is not an option since it has already spread to different part of his body.

He is going back tomorrow and they will begin radiation treatment. They are planning on doing radiation every day for 2 -3 weeks. Then he will get chemo. After that, they will do another scan to see if the treatment is helping. They said that the radiation should help get rid of the pain.

When we asked about prognosis, we were told that without treatment at stage 4 with this type of cancer, they would give someone 6 months to a year to live. But with treatments, they can usually double this time. They said that they will know more after they have done the first round of treatment.

I have not heard anymore from my brother. I don't know when he is supposed to start his chemo for his lymphoma. Three years ago, it went in remission after chemo, so maybe it will again.

Thank you for all the prayers.

Bless you both, Praline. I know you're going through such a terrible time with this.

When my brother had metastasis from lung cancer, the radiation treatments really brought great relief. I hope his treatments get started right away.

You're in my prayers. I'm so sorry for this news.
Hi Pra

I'm so very sorry to hear your news. I don't have anything to say except that I will pray for you both and hope it works out for the better.

You will both continue to be in my thoughts. I'm so so sorry.

Don't know what I can say except you have my fervent prayers. May you feel the prayers of all of us surround you and comfort you.
I am sure this visit was the hardest of them all. I can empathize with you. Been there, same thing. If I can help please let me know. Please hang with us for our support because you know we can give you a lot. My sincere prayers are with you both (and your brother). God doesn't put more on us than we can bear? We have to question that one all the time, don't we?
It is so very frightening to think that someone who did not seem to be sick can find out things have progressed so quickly. I am so very sorry for you, your husband and your family.
As Rob said, miracles do happen. I will start praying that they happen for you or, at the very least, peace and comfort comes your way.
God bless you.
Praline.....You and yours are in my prayers and thoughts....

Praline.....You and yours are in my prayers and thoughts....

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and heart as you and your husband go through this journey and I echo what Karlynn has said, that the support from the other members and I will surround you no matter where we are...You and yours have our giant ((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))). Peace and Blessings to you. Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I hope the radiation treatments bring fast relief for his pain.
My wish is for God's grace and love to guide and help you along this journey.
You remain in my prayers.
I wish I had something more comforting to say, but please at the least know that I am thinking of you and your husband (and your brother). I know that somehow you will find the strength that you need to get you and your husband through this journey. I too hope that the radiation helps with the pain.
Praline -

Praline -

I am so sorry to hear this news and my prayers are with you and your husband. Never give up hope - when nothing else is left, there is always hope. AND yes, miracles do still happen.

God give you strength and peace -

Christina L
Dear Praline,

What can I say that hasn't been said already? I am truly sorry that you received such traumatic news. You and your husband are in my prayers. I send you positive thoughts and warm hugs

Praline, I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. Wishing you strength during this ifficult time. Much love, Janea
I so hope the radiation treatments bring your husband relief. You both are in my prayers and you know you always can find many shoulders to lean on here.
So hard to find the right words. I pray God gives you the strength and that your husband gets fast relief from his pain. Just, remember miracles happen and there are many praying for you and your family


Dear Praline, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but more than a decade ago, both my father's brother, and my mother's sister were diagnosed with cancer that had spread from their colons to their livers. I think they gave my uncle six months. I don't know what he had for treatment, but he lived more than five good years after that. My aunt's cancer returned last year, but she had many years of productive life in between the diagnosis, and return. And as I said before, there is Lance! Sending love and hope your way, Brian

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