Coreg vs. Toprol XL

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Have any of you used both drugs? I am so interested to hear other people's comparisons if they have.

After my MI and bypass, I was put on Toprol XL. I handled it fine; no noticeable side effects.

When my enlargement and attendant MV murmer were discovered, cardio switched me to coreg thinking it might be more effective for me.

I felt more fatigue but otherwise handled it fine.

Then I started with SOB doing activities I had handled easily previously.
Echo showed some change but not that dramatic. My SOB continued. Enlargement remained increase but no decrease either. Nuclear stress showed some reduction in exercise tolerance from previous test but still within acceptable parameters.

I asked cardio if my symptoms could possibly be related to coreg as much (more) than leak/enlargment. He said possibly. Only way to tell was to eliminiate it and substitute toprol for a while.

We did that. I have less SOB and less fatigue. Of course, I'd prefer to stay on toprol xl and not go back to coreg but if the coreg will control the enlargment/leak better, it's worth it to me to put up with SOB and added fatigue.

Anyone have any experience/opinion in this regard?
Not All Beta Blockers are the same

Not All Beta Blockers are the same

I was on regular Metoprolol when I left hospital. 6 weeks after surgery the cardio changed me to Carvedilol (Coreg), I started to feel extremely lethargic within days I also developed a continual low level headache. As the dosage was titrated up I felt worst more lethargic, worst headache and more impaired mental function. I felt like I was working mentally in slow motion and avoided driving. When I went to see the cardio 3 months later I explained how bad I was and that I wasn't going to be mentally dysfunctional and wasn't going to be in this drug induced state for the rest of my life. The cardio then changed me to Toprol XL and I started to feel better within a few days. After 12 months on Toprol XL my heart had returned to normal size and function and the cardio was able to discontinue beta blockers all together. :)
I've been on both..

after my AVR, I was put on Coreg for about 6 months.. no real side affects.. at that point in time, the main reason for it was to help control my PVCs and PACs along with my heart rate lowered while my heart healed from the stenosis of my valve.. that along with the BP med I was taking kept everything in check..

I personally asked to switch from Coreg to another med because I was tired of having to take it twice a day.. would if needed, but if there was something else - then I prefer to take all my meds at the same time - once a day - and be done with it.. so we switched to Toprol XL and been on it ever since.. it's used to control my arrythmia's (PVCs and PACs) as well as a combo drug with Mavic for my BP.. I have my docs permission to try and wean myself off of Toprol when I feel like it..

no real side affects from Toprol either..

I was on atenolol for years. Dr recently took me off it and gave me Toprol in May. No side effects, except dry skin.

I have been very stressed/depressed for a few months now and my dr also put me on an antidepressant in June.

It has just occurred to me that I am not tired like I used to be and don't know whether to attribute it to the Toprol or the antidepressant! Many days I don't even take a nap anymore! I used to take one every day. Guess I will never know, will I?

Do you take yours at night or morning? I take mine at night. My dr just said one per day so I chose night so if there were any effects I didn't like, I'd be asleep and not know.
Thank you for your posts. I really appreciate reading other people's opinions/ experiences with these two drugs.

I've now been switched from coreg to toprol xl for a week and I really feel a difference. I am less fatigued and my exercise tolerance is higher. I have walked the same route every day this week so I could make a real comparison and when DH and I walked tonight, he was really impressed with a noticeable difference in my strength.

I take the toprol xl in the morning. I used to take the coreg in morning and again at night. I am also on a low dose of norvasc. (at night). Cardio tried ace inhibitor but I had to stop it.....side effects. I don't care if I have to take meds twice a day. That doesn't bother me at all.

I am hoping I am not compromising and (at my own request) am taking a medication that may be inferior for my personal treatment and that it will not help as much as the coreg might have had I continued it. I have to trust my cardio would not have agreed to switching had it thought it could have negative impact.

But, gee, it sure is nice to feel stronger. I know for sure that the SOB I had been bothered with was, at least in part, as a result of the coreg and not all of it was due to my leaking MV.
I take Toprol XL twice a day - because I had such a stubbornly high heartrate post ohs they felt smaller dosage twice a day would keep the heartrate down better - it's worked quite well. I'm going to try to get the dosage reduced at my August annual checkup with my cardio.
Reduced beta blockers

Reduced beta blockers

Georgia if you feel well I hope you can convince the cardio to reduce your Toprol XL dosage. I was very relieved when I could discontinue it. Even though I found less side effects then Coreg I feel much better since I was able to discontinue it. The fewer drugs the better is my view. :)

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