My Son Chris

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You're both in my thoughts, Ross. It sounds very painful for your son, but I'm glad you were able to get a surgeon to do the job.

Of course, you're having fun, too. You know they don't really expect that you're going to finish all that, you know.

Your wife must be searching for those really good pain pills by now, the ones that make you forget...

Very best wishes for all your family,

You and Chris are most certainly in my prayers. I hope all goes exceptionally well for both of you.

Well I talked to Chris. They postponed the surgery after they took him down. The Doctor was too tired to go for it today, so it's on for tomorrow afternoon. He's chomping at the bit just like so many of us do when our surgeries are canceled at the last minute. I told him what I do everyone, dont question it, just go with it.

He is in St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, Ohio. Not happy about being away from friends and family, but I told him 15 miles isn't that bad, 65 stinks! He could be in Cleveland!
I certainly hope that once your family is over this huge hump it will be smooth sailing for a very long time... You're in my prayers, friend.
It never rains, but always pours. You're getting your share right now. Keep the faith and the good Lord will take care of the rest. Thoughts and good wishes coming your way from AZ.


You and your family have not left our prayers. Will bump up for tomorrow. Please update when you find out something. Hugs. J.
Ross said:
Well I talked to Chris. They postponed the surgery after they took him down. The Doctor was too tired to go for it today, so it's on for tomorrow afternoon. He's chomping at the bit just like so many of us do when our surgeries are canceled at the last minute. I told him what I do everyone, dont question it, just go with it.

He is in St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, Ohio. Not happy about being away from friends and family, but I told him 15 miles isn't that bad, 65 stinks! He could be in Cleveland!

Chris should be THANKFUL the surgeon had the wisdom to recognize that he needed to be more rested before undertaking this extensive surgery.

Out of curiosity, I'm wondering how this all came about. Will this be covered by uninsured motorist's insurance carried by the car owner? Or did the surgeon simply agree to do it because it needed to be done and he'd worry about payment later? Did Chris make the arrangements or did you and Lyn?

Hoping for the best,

'AL Capshaw'
Dear Ross:

This sounds like it it going to be quite the day for you and Lynn. We wish you and Chris, and the rest of the family, the best.

The rescheduling of the surgery certainly sounds like his future mother-in-law is with him and knew that you and Lynn both wanted to be there during the surgery. A rested surgeon and the support group in place makes for a better than expected outcome.
Prayers for you both!

Prayers for you both!

...and for your whole family as well. I just can't imagine being in Lynn's shoes either!! Can't wait to hear the good news after the surgery!!!!!
I'm glad Chris' surgeon will be well-rested for the surgery you described. It sounds like physically demanding work. I will be thinking of Chris with fingers firmly crossed while we all await hopeful news.
Our prayers are with Chris today and with you and Lyn. It is ironic that your colonoscopy and Chris' surgery end up on the same day. Best wishes all around.
Prayers and best wishes for Chris' surgery.

Hopefully all went well with with the prep for your scope and the procedure itself and most of all hope the doctor dgives you an all clear.

Take Care!
Prayers coming from Jim & me. Hope your colonoscopy is done and all is well. This is an awful lot to handle. Too bad you and Lyn are experienced. Hope Chris isn't in too much pain.