Your thoughts for an angel please?

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
I know I have posted about Chloes birthday but on another heart board I use daily I have not mentioned it and theres a very good reason for that...
Yesterday, while we were celebrating a birthday, a beautiful, brave 4 year old called Ben lost his fight and became an angel.

Ben has fought so hard. He had complex CHD and stomach problems. He has had several open hearts and was recently admitted for more stomach problems. These proved to be one fight too many for brave Ben and he became an angel yesterday morning.

I didnt find out until today and didnt feel it appropriate to discuss birthdays anywhere today, nor had the inclination to, but when I came here tonight I felt a need for some normality and escape from the tears and heartache caused by such tragic news, so I am so sorry for being selfish at such a time - truly because I am feeling Ben's passing enormously. Although I never actually had the pleasure of meeting him in person, I had spoken and shared stories with his mum for a very long time and as you are all well aware, firm friendships and true feelings can be formed this way.

Please spare thoughts and prayers for Sally and Geoff, Bens parents and Libby, his big sister - they are more than heartbroken as I am sure you can imagine.

Thankyou with love
*How awful.....

*How awful.....

Emma, I dont know of any word of comfort, except that Im sure your many chats with Bens Mum helped her during difficult times, and I will most definitely remember ''BEN'' and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
It is so sad when the brave little ones suffer. His family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Emma you are NOt selfish at all everyone knows what a caring person you are,. So I hope chloe had a wonderful birthday.
I am so sorry for Ben and his family. I really hate CHD and don't understand why people out side the heart world don't get as angry about all the children dieing form CHD. Please let Bens family know we are thinking of them and their wonderful brave son, Lyn
Ben knows for certain now, what the rest of us can only dream of. May that be of some small consolation to his family and friends. Thank you for allowing us to send our thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to read this Emma. I know how your heart must be breaking, but I also know that you will be of the greatest support to your cyber friend. Prayers and sincere sympathy to Sally, Geoff and Libby.
So very sad for you, Emma,

So very sad for you, Emma,

and Ben's family. The word "why" always comes up when beautiful little children suffer and die.

The family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Happy belated birthday to Chloe!!

Christina L
Emma...I am so sorry....

Emma...I am so sorry....

It is just aweful when things like this happen to small children.....Please know that they are all in my prayers and that God is with them now holding them....comforting them.....

I know that this is probably not the time and place to ask, but I was wondering how Bethany's family were doing as well?

Peace, Love and Blessings to all of you...Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh, Emma..........(((hugs)))

Oh, Emma..........(((hugs)))

YOu know I can relate. I am so sorry. Little Ben's parents and sister will certainly be in my prayers.

I hate to ask such a selfish thing, but please tell me that Ben did NOT have heterotaxy and a malrotation of the intestines. WE still have not gotten another reading on Katie's malrotation. I've dug the disk out several times, but just can't seem to bring myself to do that just yet, although I know we really need to. I get a knot in MY stomach everytime Katie has a tummy ache...........sigh!

You have our love and hugs. Please let Ben's parents know that many, many people are praying for them. Janet
Such sad news. Prayers for Ben and his family.

Of course - prayers for your family and the sweet birthday girl as well.
Such sad news about little Ben. His family are in my thoughts. I am sure that Ben's family will find some degree of comfort from you and others they have met via the internet. They know you totally understand what they are going through.
Thankyou all so much for thinking of Ben and his family at this time. I will pass this thread to his mum at an appropriate time. The funeral has already been arranged for next Thursday. How heartbreaking to arrange your 4 year olds funeral - it makes me shudder to think of what that poor family are going through so all prayers their way are most appreciated!

Janet, I wish I could tell you that but I really don't know his stomach problems exactly. He had a simliar heart condition to Lucy but with an added DORV i think. He had a valve repair back in Spetember and was recovering from that - although the mitral repari wasnt holding too well.
I know that the start of his problems towards the end were with a 'Ladds procedure' (sorry i dont know what that is) that he had had as a baby that had resurfaced, then his bowel perforated sending toxins over his body which his heart just couldnt cope with and I think it all went from there sadly.

Can totally understand your fears with Katie but that girl is a fighter - proved over and over and whatever is thrown at her, she chucks it right back. And hopefully - crossing all body parts! - stomach issues are not something she will have to deal with again anyway.

Love to you

gijanet said:
YOu know I can relate. I am so sorry. Little Ben's parents and sister will certainly be in my prayers.

I hate to ask such a selfish thing, but please tell me that Ben did NOT have heterotaxy and a malrotation of the intestines. WE still have not gotten another reading on Katie's malrotation. I've dug the disk out several times, but just can't seem to bring myself to do that just yet, although I know we really need to. I get a knot in MY stomach everytime Katie has a tummy ache...........sigh!

You have our love and hugs. Please let Ben's parents know that many, many people are praying for them. Janet
SOOOO NOT what I wanted to hear............

SOOOO NOT what I wanted to hear............

Emma said:
I know that the start of his problems towards the end were with a 'Ladds procedure' (sorry i dont know what that is) that he had had as a baby that had resurfaced, then his bowel perforated sending toxins over his body which his heart just couldnt cope with and I think it all went from there sadly.

Oh, crap, Emma! The Ladd's procedure is the "fix" for malrotation. They go in and tack the intestines down to hopefully prevent volvulus. It doesn't sound like it worked in Ben's case, or they perforated the intestines performing the procedure, but that would be strange to surface so much later unless they were just weakened in spots where they tacked them down somehow.........ugh! NOw you see why I haven't been too anxious to get that additional opinion. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I know of two other kids besides Ben who have had complications following the Ladd's. One little girl (believe it or not, her name is Chloe, too) had to be rehospitalized twice involving two additional surgeries. But then again, volvulus is deadly, too. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Why can't life ever be easy? Big sigh!

I appreciate your kind words, especially when you are in so much pain yourself. Even though I have never "talked" to Ben's parents, I feel so much closer to them...............the DORV, the CAVSD, the valve repair not holding up, and the intestinal issues on top of all that. I'm willing to bet that Ben's heart was on the right, too. Their loss is mine as well. Does he have a page? I would love to drop his parents a note of support. If you don't want to post it publicly, just PM me or e-mail me.

Many hugs, Emma. Again, I am so, so sorry and you all are in my prayers. J.
Ben's funeral

Ben's funeral

Ben was laid to rest today. My heart just breaks for his family - his mum, dad and older sister.
His mum has posted about his funeral on the site we use and I won't copy over everything she wrote but balloons were sent up to him and I will share the poems that she and her husband so bravely read for Ben as I know she would like you all to know about him and how very brave he was. These poems sum it all up ...

See you when we get there

A million times we?ve needed you
A million times we?ve cried,
If love alone could have saved you
You never would have died.

In Life we loved you dearly
in death we love you still,
For in our hearts you hold
A place no one could ever fill.

It broke our hearts to lose you.
But you did not go alone,
For a part of us went with you
the day God took you home.

Come With Me

The Lord saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around you and whispered, ?come with me?

With tearful eyes, we watched you suffer and saw you fade away.
Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, a beautiful smile at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove he only takes the best.

It?s lonely here without you. We miss you so each day.
Our lives aren?t the same since you went away.

When days are sad and lonely and everything goes wrong,
We seem to hear you whisper, ?Cheer up and carry on?

Each time we see your picture, you seem to smile and say,
?Don?t cry, I?m in Gods keeping, we?ll meet again someday?