Work stinks

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Hi everyone...
well, David and I will not be making it. I hate to cancel at the 11th hour. My boss just loaded us with a project that is due Saturday at Noon. Doesn't make much sense for David and i to drive to Nashville on Saturday evening to turn around an come back Sunday morning.

I am bummed.
Tell the Boss..................

Tell the Boss..................

Tell the Boss where to go Mara - Jeeze I'm disappointed.

Just logged on, on my way to Dublin airport and saw the bad news.............and I was so looking forward to meeting both of you and seeing your 'wedding album.'

You'll just have to bring it across next time y'all come to Scotland.

I'm off now - Seeya all later in TN.
What a Stinker!

What a Stinker!


This is a bummer!

I'm sure you'll get overtime compensation :rolleyes:

If you're ever in Chicago for a case or whatever, please call. Gotta figure out some way to meet you.


So sorry to hear you cannot make it to Nashville.......was looking forward to meeting you and hubby.

You are right! Work sometimes stinks but everyone has to pay their dues sometimes, I guess.

Glad that I "retired".......I don't have to listen anymore to clients and their unrealistic expectations.

Someday, maybe next reunion?

Bob Gleason
That stinks

That stinks

Mara -

Sorry to hear you and David are not going to make it. Try not to work too hard and maybe you can catch the next one.

Take Care -
