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Active member
Jul 1, 2007
Dublin Ireland
Sorry I have not been in touch sooner.
Work has been very busy. Last Monday week whilst I was on the side of a mountain in Wicklow (working) I got the call (blessed cellphones) that there was a bed waiting for me. My Operation for removal of the Sternum wires was scheduled for the Thursday the 17th of that week.
The Surgeon wanted me in early to get me off Warfarin(comudin) and put me on Heparon to get my blood right.
It was unsettleing how quickly I adjusted to the routine of being in hospital.
It is 2 years since my Valve was done and it was like I just stepped out the door. Most of the care staff were stil the same and they were still great.
I even slept well most nights. Thursday came the usual preparations then off down to theatre. A few laugh with the Staff and off to sleep. Appearently I was 2 hours in theatre.
They excised the Sinus took swabs and removed 2 of the Sternum wires.
I was woken up and sent on CTHDU for an overnight.
Then back on to the ward for 3 days of antibiotics and to get my INR right and 7 days later last Monday back home.
Have not being doing much was on the Antibiotics until today they destroy my energy levals so hopefully I should be energised in a couple of day and that will be that.
I finally got round to taking a photo. Does a tawdry old workshirt count.

God bless

Glad that you got them out and are getting back to normal. Amazing that they kept you in the hospital so long. Mine was outpatient surgery and I was back at work the next day. I guess that's just a difference in healthcare systems.

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