Wife had foot surgery

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
This past Thursday, my wife had a huge, bunion removed from her left foot. She is not allowed to put any pressure on it until she gets a walking cast next Thursday. She is still in great pain. She has been sleeping on the couch. She keeps thanking me for helping her. I told her there is no need to thank me. I told her I can never repay her for all of those sleepless night in the hospital during my AVR and for everything else she did for me,

In about three weeks, she gets to do it all over again. She will then have to a bunion removed from her right foot. She will not be allowed to work until 8 weeks after the first surgery. I said, "8 weeks, that down time is more than my heart surgery." I reminded her that I went back to work after 6 weeks :D.

" ... I reminded her that I went back to work after 6 weeks " I bet that went over well!

Sending her my best wishes - you're not getting any, you should be the one sleeping on the couch with that remark :D
My hubby had that same operation about 4 weeks before my AVR...he recovered well and was hobbling around on crutches when it was my turn to go to hospital. The pain quickly subsided and became manageable/bearable and he quickly stopped taking any painkillers.
Now its your turn to spoil your wife...I hope she recovers quickly.
Hubby slept on the couch for ages after his foot op....he could keep his foot raised and was not afraid of it being bumped in the night and he had the big TV to occupy him if he had trouble sleeping and was comfy in the day if he drifted off for a nana nap.

Hope your wife's procedure was less painful than mine was. I'm sure techniques have drastically improved since my surgery in 1980.

Pre-op, walking was painful, particularly in the winter, and I was being awakened at night with pain and also driving my standard-transmission car, so I had to have surgery.)

Both feet were operated on at the same time. Not only did the surgeon remove (shave down or whatever the bunion), he also shortened the metatarsal to the big toe in each foot. He said my situation was genetic, rather than because of wearing crappy shoes, which I had never done. I couldn't use crutches, since both feet were done -- I had to crawl for about 2-3 weeks.....

This was before HIPPA, and my surgeon was able to put me in contact with patients whom he had operated on. That was a big help on knowing what to expect, how to manage my life post-op.

Hope your wife's next procedure is a breeze.........
had a discussion this month with one of my daughters and my sister. Daughter has foot pain in that area so naturally the bunion discussion came into play. They both know people who had ONE done and the pain was so excrutiating that they never went back to have the other one done. So please know that your dear wife is in great pain. Help her all you can as she's not kidding when she says 'thank you'. Blessins......
Sounds painful and hope she gets feeling better soon
adding my prayers for her
had a discussion this month with one of my daughters and my sister. Daughter has foot pain in that area so naturally the bunion discussion came into play. They both know people who had ONE done and the pain was so excrutiating that they never went back to have the other one done. So please know that your dear wife is in great pain. Help her all you can as she's not kidding when she says 'thank you'. Blessins......

That's what my surgeon told me, and that's why I had both done at the same time. Made sense to me -- only one hospitalization, one sick leave, etc.

I know there are different techniques for doing bunionectomies, and techniques and pain meds have improved in the last 29+ years.

One thing I remember: my shoe size went down a little and I got to buy lots of new pretty shoes!
I would like to thank all of you for your kind comments. I will pass them on to her. She is starting to feel better. She started to kick me again :D. She only had to take one pain bill yesterday.

Glad she is on the road to recovering from her foot surgery. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for her continued recovery. I bet it feels good to be able to help her after all her helping you through your surgery. Best wishes for the both of you.