Has it been THAT long?

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1 ... This is a "woa, can ya believe so many years have past since...?" topic/thread.
2 ... I'm not even sure exactly WHY I'm sharing this, but maybe we'll find out....

Every now and then, an anniversary will hit, and, when you realize just how many years have gone by and what all has happened since that event, you pause for a moment ... and wonder just where has the time gone.

Such is the case for me, December 27, 2007; because, 20 years ago, December 27, 1987, my original/then best friend, Josh, died of a severe asthma attack. It was a shock to me ... a shy guy who had FEW friends and was so NOT popular. Of course, as it most-often does, time has eased the pain ... and that experience has made me a better person. It didn't "back then", but since I've come out of my shell, met many people during my road trips, become friends with many of you, and turned some things around, that experience has been there ... always ... shaping me, without me even realizing it fully.

Likewise, 2007 marks several other "milestones", including (but not limited to, of course)...

30 years ago:
November 1977, my 1st open heart surgery
#1 hits include...Glen Campbell's "Southern Nights", Kenny Rogers' "Lucille", The Kendalls' "Heaven's Just A Sin Away", and Dolly Parton's "Here You Come Again"

25 years ago:
spring 1982, my parents bought '81 Monte Carlo SC, which became mine in 1999
#1 hits include...Juice Newton's "The Sweetest Thing", Oak Ridge Boys' "Bobbie Sue", Willie Nelson's "Always On My Mind", David Frizzell's "I'm Gonna Hire A Wino To Decorate Our Home", Sylvia's "Nobody", Jerry Reed's "She Got The Goldmine (I Got The Shaft)", and Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You"

20 years ago:
March 1987, my 2nd open heart surgery
October 1987, stock market crash; the girl in Texas fell down the well; RFer Andre Dawson, with a league-leading 49 HRs for the last-place Chicago Cubs, was named NL MVP.
November 1987, Chicago's mayor Harold Washington died in office, the day before Thanksgiving
December 11, 1987, production ended for the Ch#$r%*et Monte Carlo, my favorite car
#1 hits include...Michael Johnson's "Give Me Wings", Restless Heart's "Why Does It Have To Be (Wrong Or Right)", Hank Williams Jr's "Born To Boogie", and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's "Fishing In The Dark"

15 years ago:
June 1992, I graduated HS
October 1992, I purchased my first car, a 1979 MC Landau, which I still have
#1 hits include...Collin Raye's "Love, Me", Reba McEntire's "Is There Life Out There?", Billy Ray Cyrus' "Achy Breaky Heart", Mark Chestnut's "I'll Think Of Something", Wynonna's "No One Else On Earth", and Alabama's "I'm In A Hurry (And Don't Know Why)"

10 years ago:
September 1997, I purchased my first brand-new car, since long gone
December 1997, we had to put our family dog, a silky-haired terrior named Fibber, to sleep 3 days before Christmas
#1 hits include...Kevin Sharp's "Nobody Knows" and Tim McGraw/Faith Hill's "It's Your Love"

5 years ago:
March 2002, I purchased my 1972 MC, completing my collection of one of each MC generation
October 2002, Gram (Mom's mom), with whom I was close, died.
December 2002, a stress test revealed that I needed a 3rd open heart surgery ... pronto
#1 hits include...JoDee Messina's "Bring On The Rain", Brooks and Dunn's "Long Goodbye", Kenny Chesney's "The Good Stuff", Darryl Worley's "I Miss My Friend", and Keith Urban's "Somebody Like You"

So ... how about YOU? Did 2007 feature any milestone anniversaries?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Another year comes to a close" ... Sylvia ... 'Reflections'
Cort, you certainly have a way evoking memories by connecting to them the music of their time.

I can remember being a junior in high school waiting for the school bus (I lived with my sister and brother-in-law in Knox, Indiana) and listening to my transistor radio. That was in 1977. "Southern Nights," "Lucille" and also "Margaritaville" invoke memories of standing across the road from my sister's lane waiting for the bus.

April 2008 will mark thirty years since the death of a cousin, whose siblings and she were like siblings to me. I was told of her death while "Running On Empty" by Jackson Browne played in the background. I have never failed to remember her when I hear that song.

Hi Knightfan.

What a great time to reminisce since New Year's Eve is right around the corner.

I, too, graduated HS in '92. Although I'm 32 and have 2 kids, I still feel like a kid. I can't believe I graduated HS 15 years ago! I was 16 at the time and remember thinking I was all grown up. Now when I look at 16-year olds they still look like little kids.

Feb 2008 will mark my 10 yr anniversary of meeting my husband. I feel like I really grew up with him since we hit a lot of milestones together in the last decade.

I'll never forget June 2007....the birth of my youngest son (6/7), my dad's 3rd OHS (6/13) and the birth of my niece (6/22). Although these events were not milestone anniversaries, I look forward to celebrating life every June (and really, every day) in the years to come.

Dick and I will be taking a cruise to the Eastern Carribean, 1/5 to 1/15. (not 2007, but close)! One of the ports of call is St Thomas- 43 years since we were there on our honeymoon and first time back. Two wonderful children, three wonderful grandchildren and lots of great memories since then- the years just flew by too quickly!:(
You "Kids" make me feel old!

My anniversaries of years ending in "7" are:

Milestone birthday -- I turned the magic 60 in 2007!

In 1977, I was discharged from the Illinois National Guard, after 7 years of service (part-time) in the Signal Corps.

That's about it for the 7's. . .
Ten years ago I had quite a year...

March- Pacemaker replacement
May- Adopted my chihuahua puppy (boy how she's changed!)
August- Gall Bladder removal
November- Heart cath
December- Open Heart Surgery (to close ASD and VSD, widen PS, and take down left BT shunt).

2002 was a fairly big year as well...

April- Pacemaker replacement (it even went into backup mode!)
June- Valve replacement
and in Feb 2003- ovarian cyst burst resulting in emergency surgery and blood transfusion.

It seems I can never do just ONE surgery in a year's span... It's always in groups. But at least that gives me some years with nothing? ;) I think 2006 may have been an "uneventful" year. ;)

Great thread, Cort! I hadn't even realized I had significant anniversaries this year until you brought it up. :D
cort, great thread!

well, I am not sure if it was jan or feb, I think it was february 1987 I was diagnosed with my CHDs in Burlington by Dr Yeager, and they shipped me down to boston (4-5 hrs) in an ambulance. Within 24 hrs of diagnosis in burlington they had me all prepped in the OR in boston to repair my coarctation when I was bumped out of the OR by a more critical case. they rethought their plan, and decided to let me grow before they operated. . . this last year was the 20th anniversary of that

foreward to march 19, 1988 (I know its not 2007, but its coming quickly) I had my first open heart surgery, a VSD repair with Dacron patch done by Dr Jonas, 2008 will be the 20th anniversary of that.

other less than "milestone" anniversaries that have passed, or are coming include Jan 1st 2008 is 4 yrs since my parents separated, Feb 5th 2008 is 1 year since I was told I wasnt indeed "fixed" and will eventually need more surgery feb 8 2008 is 2 years since my nissen fundoplication, April 21, 2008 is 17 yrs since my second OHS (left ventricular outflow tract obstruction resection) June 2008 is 4 years since I graduated HS, June 6th also makes 1 year since I passed out for the first time (at work)

I am sure there are more, but I cant really remember them right now, these are the major ones (I think)
Ah, yes, the memories.

1952 - 55 years ago - the world got stuck with me.;) :D
1957 - 50 years ago - started kindergarten - cried all day.:eek:
1972 - 35 years ago - got married.
1977 - 30 years ago - my father passed away at 48 years young.:(
1982 - 25 years ago - had my second OHS.:eek:
1987 - 20 years ago - got divorced.
1987 - 20 years ago - met my lifepartner, Chris (relationship still going strong).:D
1992 - 15 years ago - bought my Ohio house, in my name only - what a triumph.:D
1997 - 10 years ago - Chris and I bought our house in LA.:cool:
2002 - 5 years ago - my mom passed away.:(
2002 - 5 years ago - Chris and I sold our house in LA.
2007 - turned 55
2007 - started my new job - the one I hope to retire from down the road.
2007 - Just might hit 6,000 posts on VR.com.;)

Sorry, Cort, I am just not good with adding music to the years but I know there were some really great songs.
I find myself getting

I find myself getting

very maudlin these days during the Christmas and New Year season. To me the holidays "mark time" - when Wayne and I were sitting in church at candlelight service on Christmas Eve, I turned to him and asked, "Weren't we just here?" We never attend that church but only on Christmas Eve - we attend another church through the year.

Then that led to a discussion about the wierdness of time (not to mention life!) - a whole year has passed - 365 days - but it almost seems like a blip in time.

My personal time-line:

- 30 years ago in 1977 my first grandparent (Grandpa) died at age 70

- 10 years ago in 1997 Dad died at age 63 of a massive heart attack (he had no heart valve problems, just most likely blockage from smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle)

- 10 years ago in 1997 John Denver (the reason I moved to Colorado in my youth) was killed in a plane crash (this was a big life-changing event for me as it happened 5 months after my Dad died and both people were a big part of my life) My rose-colored glasses were officially off when it came to how I looked at life. :(

- 6 years ago Mom died of breast cancer, 5 years ago Grandma died at age 95 (Mom's mom) of a broken heart, and 4 years ago Uncle Jim (Mom's brother) died of esophageal cancer

- 4 years ago I had my first (and hopefully only!) OHS

- 2 years ago Wayne and I were married

- 2 years ago we started the adoption process from China

Life just whizzes by - I don't know where time goes - it is hard not to be fearful of the future seeing how fast time goes - we MUST live each year we are given fully and give thanks for all the good, because there sure is a lot of sadness in life and sometimes it can overshadow things (boy can it).

Cort - I just think you are such a special guy (good-looking, smart, fun, interesting!). I hope this will be the year in time that you will find a special gal to share your life with, but if not, I know you are going to live life to the hilt as you always do!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Christina L
Wise said:
Cort, you certainly have a way evoking memories by connecting to them the music of their time.


That's why I like doing the radio shows ... which will return in January ... more on that in a week or so ;).

But, for me ... cars also evoke those memories and help shape the "timeline of life".

Heh ... as do TV shows. When I typed the original post, I thought about adding TV shows to the mix ... but promptly forgot. So, a bit late:

1977 TV shows included ... ABC's "Laverne & Shirley"; ABC's "Happy Days"; ABC's "Charlie's Angels"; CBS' "All In The Family"; NBC's "Little House On The Prairie"; and CBS' "Alice".

1982 TV shows included ... CBS' "Dallas"; CBS' "Magnum PI"; ABC's "The Love Boat"; and CBS' "The Jeffersons".

1987 TV shows included ... NBC's "The Cosby Show"; NBC's "Cheers"; NBC's "The Golden Girls"; ABC's "Growing Pains"; ABC's "Who's The Boss?"; CBS' "Murder, She Wrote"; NBC's "ALF"; ABC's "The Wonder Years"; ABC's "Moonlighting"; and NBC's "LA Law".

1992 TV shows included ... ABC's "Home Improvement"; CBS' "Murphy Brown"; CBS' "Murder, She Wrote"; NBC's "Cheers"; and CBS' "Northern Exposure".

1997 TV shows included ... CBS' "Cybill"; NBC's "Friends"; ABC's "Spin City"; CBS' "Touched By An Angel"; CBS' "Early Edition"; and ABC's "Home Improvement".

2002 TV shows included ... WB's "Smallville"; NBC's "Will & Grace"; FOX's "Boston Public"; ABC's "8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter"; CBS' "CSI"; and ABC's "NYPD Blue".

Christina L said:
Cort - I just think you are such a special guy (good-looking, smart, fun, interesting!). I hope this will be the year in time that you will find a special gal to share your life with, but if not, I know you are going to live life to the hilt as you always do!

Wow ... I appreciate this more than you know, Christina. Thank you.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I shiver when I see the falling snow" ... Merle Haggard ... 'If We Make It Through December'