Why lopressor?

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
Benton Harbor, MI USA
When I left the hospital a month ago after being treated for Endocarditis, my cardiologist put me on a small dose of lopressor because of my mitral regurgitation. What does this drug do with regards to regurgitation?

I suppose I could ask him next week at my TEE, but thought I'd throw it out here.

I was put on Toprol 50mg, same beta-blocker as lopressor when I first saw my cardio. It's to reduce the workload on your heart to keep your ventricle from growing larger while you await surgery. It reduced my BP initially from about 130/85 to 120/80, and lately it's dipped again to average around 115/75. Seems the closer I get to surgery, the lower it gets as if to say "hey, look how healthy you are now, so let's change everything!".

Anyway, the more interesting change was in my HR, which is now usually around 50-60 bpm when I'm sitting down, versus 70-80 before I started taking the beta-blocker. At times I can barely feel my heart beating at all. It's a nice, relaxing feeling. Too bad it will be all gone next week. :(
Bill, I am cutting a 25 MG pill in half and taking one half in the morning, and one at night. Me being so healthy, I don't require as much as you.:D

I will be checking to see how you are doing next week!
I was put on Toprol 50mg, same beta-blocker as lopressor when I first saw my cardio. It's to reduce the workload on your heart to keep your ventricle from growing larger while you await surgery. It reduced my BP initially from about 130/85 to 120/80, and lately it's dipped again to average around 115/75. Seems the closer I get to surgery, the lower it gets as if to say "hey, look how healthy you are now, so let's change everything!".Wishful thinking!! I said that to my cardio and surgeon...I was feeling better, can I skip surgery?!

Anyway, the more interesting change was in my HR, which is now usually around 50-60 bpm when I'm sitting down, versus 70-80 before I started taking the beta-blocker. At times I can barely feel my heart beating at all. It's a nice, relaxing feeling. Too bad it will be all gone next week. :(

Bill, these Beta blockers work on the HR too.
Bill, these Beta blockers work on the HR too.

Yep, I think I read the slowing and steadying of the HR was primarily what beta-blockers do, the change in BP is more of a side effect. I have to say the Toprol/metoprolol has given me such a "mellow" feeling, I'm hoping I can stay on it long after surgery. I was given a prescription for lorazepam (ativan) awhile back but I rarely need it thanks to the Toprol. I just hope my pharmacist can keep my stocked up on it in the future (see my other thread).

The only negative side effect I've had so far is when exercising or exerting myself, if my HR gets to around 130 it won't go any higher. I won't necessarily feel winded at first, while I'm exercising, but once I stop and rest, I'll feel incredibly drained for a minute or two, until my HR gets back down. It's something you gotta be careful of, not pushing your HR too high.
Yep, I think I read the slowing and steadying of the HR was primarily what beta-blockers do, the change in BP is more of a side effect. I have to say the Toprol/metoprolol has given me such a "mellow" feeling, I'm hoping I can stay on it long after surgery. I was given a prescription for lorazepam (ativan) awhile back but I rarely need it thanks to the Toprol. I just hope my pharmacist can keep my stocked up on it in the future (see my other thread).

The only negative side effect I've had so far is when exercising or exerting myself, if my HR gets to around 130 it won't go any higher. I won't necessarily feel winded at first, while I'm exercising, but once I stop and rest, I'll feel incredibly drained for a minute or two, until my HR gets back down. It's something you gotta be careful of, not pushing your HR too high.

Bill, just in my humble opinion and to share some of what I learnt during rehab is that while you are on a Beta Blocker, do not exert or try to raise you HR for over 20 beats a minute...they were happy (in my case) if it went 15 beats more. When I tried at home, no knowing that, and raised my HR to 130, it took me a while to recover!! So, take it easy and be safe than sorry! My surgeon told me 2 days ago that even though I feel good on the outside, my heart is still healing and reconditioning itself!

So, taking Toprol is calming you down too?!

Yes, I read your other thread and I wondered if you tried other pharmacies!
Bill, just in my humble opinion and to share some of what I learnt during rehab is that while you are on a Beta Blocker, do not exert or try to raise you HR for over 20 beats a minute...they were happy (in my case) if it went 15 beats more. When I tried at home, no knowing that, and raised my HR to 130, it took me a while to recover!! So, take it easy and be safe than sorry! My surgeon told me 2 days ago that even though I feel good on the outside, my heart is still healing and reconditioning itself!

So, taking Toprol is calming you down too?!

Yes, I read your other thread and I wondered if you tried other pharmacies!

I try not to overdue it but I like to check once in awhile if I'm developing shortness of breath by comparing my endurance with how I was 6 months ago, before all my problems started. So far so good -- in fact, I seem to have more endurance thanks to the weight loss during my endocarditis treatment. See, endocarditis isn't all bad. :)

I haven't tried any other pharmacies yet. The one with the shortage of Toprol also had a shortage, and still does, of metoprolol, a week or two before shortages hit other pharmacies. The pharmacist believed the Toprol shortage was a shortterm thing, just until the company can catch up from the demand caused by the metoprolol shortage. I very likely though could end up with a different prescription after my surgery next week. Maybe I'll end up with lopressor?
I am on Toprol XL for heart rate and angina. I had no idea that one should not get their heart too high while exercising. I can't get my heart rate below 85 even on Toprol. It is better - use to be 95-98. The cardo has told me that he wants mine lower because of blockages and angina.
They put me on lopressor to lower my BP and pulse after the surgery, this puts a lot less stress on the new valve.
I take both Metaprolol (Toprol) and Hyzaar; I was told to take the Metaprolol as usual the night before my cath, but to hold the Hyzaar in the morning before the procedure. These are two different kinds of BP drugs, so their prophylactic and ameliorative effects are probably very different, too. I suspect that the beta blocker was a prophylactic to prevent certain kinds of symptoms from appearing.