Why a tissue valve?

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May 12, 2010
Whakatane, New Zealand
Hi there,

To all of you with tissue valves, I have been really interested reading through this site and finding a lot of younger men who had bovine or porcine valve replacements. My reasons for choosing a tissue valve were twofold: the main one was I wanted to be able to have children in the most natural way possible (I am 26 years old) and the other was I did not want to be on Warfarin or other anticoagulants so early in life.

One of the surgeons I spoke to pre-op was rather incredulous when I said I would be having a tissue valve but I had done a LOT of research and was adamant that was what I wanted. I am very curious to know why others opted for a tissue valve, as it most likely means another surgery for us in the future (oh no!!!)

We have had a few women who chose a Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve in order to bear children.
Two that I recall got 10 good years from those valves (and a few children) before switching to Mechanical Valves when their tissue valves wore out. The Bovine Tissue Valves seem to have better durability (and less variation in longevity) than the Procine Tissue Valves. We have had several members report 'premature' failure of their porcine valves (in 1 to 7 years).

(FYI, this Topic may be more appropiately placed in the Pre-Surgery Forum or Valve Selection Forum)

'AL C'
Thanks for that, was most interested in the men who had tissue valves, as to why that would be (obviously not to be able to have children). I have reposted under Valve Selection!