Who will play Airbus' "Sully" ???

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Coast of Cornwall SW England.
Airbus' Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger ....... Who's going to play his part then ?
Will it be Nicolas Cage, Bruce Willis, John Travolta (he's even got a pilots license?) or maybe Harrison Ford ?
Well, since Sully is a little older man - I vote for Chris Cooper. A well-known by work, but not necessarily by name, Hollywood character actor. (I'm a fan!) He was in The Bourne Identity, Breach (excellent movie about Robert Hansen), Sea Biscuit, Syriana and many more.
I say William H Macey. He isn't a pilot but he was in the movie Air Force 1. Just dye his hair gray I think good fit. Steve Buscemmi as Mr. Pink the quirky flight attendant who sacrafices his last cordial bottle of scotch so that the old lady won't get frostbite. (OK I got a little carried away). Still William H Macey is my pick. Just think Fargo.
This is great stuff ! I love Mr Pink the quirky flight attendant sacraficing his scotch ! Fantastic ! Plus the real life bit about the officer giving the shirt off his back, wonderful, you couldn't write it (actually you could write that!).