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Well gang... I am breathing a sigh of relief here! The biopsy on the lesion on my stomach lining was negative!!! But I do have an ulcer so am now on another med :mad: Oh well. This one has to be taken by itself, one hour before meals or anything else. Gleevec has to be taken after meals with a full glass of water. Missed sleeping pill last night because of new med and thus, missed sleep! lol

Hope to get it all sorted out soon so I can get back on track!!!

I told my hair gal today that I seem to be in a bad mood ever since I decided to color my hair from red to dark blonde... hmmmmm Mebbe Blondes Don't have more fun in Idaho!!! hee hee I think that I better go back to what I had... I was much easier to live with I think! hee hee ;)

I hope that everyone is ahead of the game as far as Christmas season goes. Me.... I'm almost done with my cards! Would have been done sooner, but I put them away before Thanksgiving and forgot where I put them!!! lol MAJOR CRS ATTACK!!!! :p

Take care all and have a great day tomorrow!!!

One hour before, one hour after - how in the world do you keep it straight. I have one that's once a week and I had to put in my reminders on the computer for the day before. Can't have anything, for an hour after it's taken first thing on Thurs morning and in a near state of sleep, I'd sure go for the coffee if I didn't have a reminder!!

You can't help but brighten our day, Zazzy.

Congratulations that you only (?) have an ulcer. At least that is easily taken care of. When you have anything new, we are all so very concerned for you because we care so much. With all the stuff you have going on and all the meds you must take, it's a wonder you have any sense of humor at all but you always come through. You give us a high standard to measure up to - thanks - God bless you every day.


Hey, Zazzy,

Girl don't you know it...redheads rule! Even us oldies who are looking more blond as the grey comes in!

Glad the stomach problem was not malignant. Good luck with curbing the ulcer. Maybe some of the meds caused it?

Take care girl and talk to you later.
Jean and Hensylee: that is true about the redheads!!! hee hee

Thanks for your replies... I am out of my doldrums... it is really never a dull moment around here!!!

Decided to work on my basement to pass the snowy days... I painted half of the ceiling yesterday and will get to the other half later this afternoon. ;)

Staying busy keeps this little devil's mind occupied and keeps me off the streets and out of the bars!!!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!!! :)

Take care,