Where's Andy?

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2005
Just curious, but where is Andy these days? He used to come up with all sorts of news on valve surgery techniques.
He just posted a few days ago. He isn't around much, but pops in just when we're about to send the hounds out looking for him.
If it's me you're after....

If it's me you're after....

...I'm in a new job where I can't skive so often and go searching for heart news, as the internet is monitored more! Thanks for the appreciation (if it is me, that is).

In about a month I'll probably look for "heart valve 2007" in google and find some new stuff. I did direct someone to this site only yesterday, he's having an op next sat, so good luck to him. I said that if he ends up with mech replacement instead of mitral repair, he could do a lot worse than visit this site for info on how to manage the ACT.