when getting a cold

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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
after ohs, when you start to get a cold or sore throat, do you automatically get on an antibiotic right away, or do you wait a few days to see if it goes away, or do you just go to your family doctor, or what, adam is 5 months out now and with the cold and flu season coming up i am really scared, and of course today, he started with a few sniffles, and said he thinks he is getting a sore throat, so how serious do you guys think this is?
alpha 1
If it's a cold, antibiotics aren't going to help it anyhow. Give it a day or two to see what it's going to do and if he still feels bad, have him looked at.
That's right. Antibs are useless for a cold virus.
If he develops high fever, severe throat or sinus pain, green mucous, or lots of chest phlegm, then the antibs might be needed on the advice of a doctor of course.
In the meantime, lots of fluids, hand washing and chicken soup.
daughter and each have our own ZiCam and use it at first sign. We also use those lozenges (zinc) and that seems to help. However, you know that if you get an infection, off you go to get an antibiotic........
antibiotics do not work against cold viruses or flu viruses. but, if it is a bacterial infection, they might be helpful. I would wait a few days, unless he gets bad fever, then I would go to the doc.
Influenza A can be treated with Tamiflu or other antivirals if you start them within 48 hrs after onset of symtoms. Flu is different than a cold, since it is usually associated with muscle aches and a fever as well as cough and runny nose. I empathize with you, Alpha 1, since my husband and I both thought he had something infectious, instead of his mitral valve going kaflooie. I had a 2 gram dose of Zithromax here and he took that because he was convinced he had pneumonia. Even the cardiologist thought he had some weird endocarditis! Fortunately, his true problem was discovered, but only after other infectious causes were ruled out. The cardiac surgeon stated that younger people tend to have a more "exuberant" immune response to their cardiac problems, and can often run a fever. I also know from medical school that anything that causes edema in the lungs can cause a fever.

I get nervous every time Chris gets sick, and I know better. Last night he ran a fever of 102 and started to get terrible muscle aches. I started him on Tamiflu today and he is worlds better, although still sick. I had to reaasure myself, by listening to his chest multiple times, that it was not his heart!

The best thing to do, because everyone will sleep better, is to go and see the doctor. Many people are worried that the doctor will think they are neurotic; so what? I know I have that reputation already, but my insistence is what got my husband into the hospital in the first place. Basically, I insisted that something was wrong; that I was not just a concerned family member but also had the same 2 letters behind my name that the ER doc had behind his name, and that if a patient with my husband's symptoms had come into my office, he would have been admitted without so much as a second thought. I could tell that statement gave them pause, because they took him back to triage and let him lay down while waiting for the doctor. I still get agitated while thinking about it, because he was in the ER waiting room for 3 hours and triage for 2 hours. Oh, well, all's well that ends well...

Nice weather in Idaho,
Whenever I start coming down w/a cold, the first thing I do, before I feel really bad, is make myself a batch of chicken soup. Then, I may wait a day or two but if I feel like I'm getting a sore throat, body aches, fever or very congested, I'll call my PCP & let him decide whether to give me antibiotics or not. I usually end up taking antibiotics.

I've had viral pneumonia two or three times in my life & bouts of pleurisy so the doctors don't dare take chances with me. And every fall I get my flu shot & a pneumonia shot every 5 years.

Keep a close eye on things & if things worsen, please see your doctor!
thanks for the replies

thanks for the replies

thank you all for your replies, i just am so worried over the least little thing. i would like to know a little more about the tamiflu, is it ok to take with all of the other medications heart meds and blood pressure meds and the diuretic. also, it doesnt make the heart race does it. thanks.
alpha 1
Please, please, please, people don't be stupid, be informed, be responsible.:)

Antibiotics are not the cure all magic bullet for a runny nose and other common cold symptoms, all too readily called 'flu.

Decades of slack antibiotic prescribing, much of it done as a placebo to quieten ill informed demanding patients, have directly led to the rise of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Resistant as the bacteria has evolved, become smart and worked ways around the antibiotics once used to kill it.

The race between research chemists developing new more powerful antibiotics and evolving bacteria is a close run nip and tuck affair. Those of us on here who escaped rampant endocarditis by the skin of our teeth know only too well how ineffective many antibiotics have now become. :eek:

Continuing laissez faire prescribing of antibiotics gives bacteria more opportunities to evolve. Please don't assist.
When my 3 children were home and younger, my husband had the best idea..... don't let them pass germs around to everyone and each other.... get them each their own toothpaste, give them each their own handtowel.... replace the hand towel in the bathroom everyone shares (friends coming in, etc.) with a roll of paper towels. TEACH the children not to put their hands in their faces (eyes, nose, mouth, food) unless their hands are washed and cleaned. Learn to open doors with elbows or other parts and try not to hold onto hand railings in public places. Use some disinfectant wipes on doorknobs and other general use areas in the house once in awhile (especially after a play day at your house when 3 zillion germs have come through the door on other peoples' hands).

In other words.... try to keep the bugs at bay!

When you get the bug anyway, well, I've had great success with Zicam. I use the gel type. It comes with a funky dispenser. If you read the instructions (and you must, they are specific) you just want a tiny bit of the gel just rubbed abit around the very outermost ring of each nostril. The dispenser makes me nervous...don't want to use too much of the gel. So I shoot a little glop on a tissue, roll a dab on a Q-tip cotton swab, and use one for each nostril and then pinch the nostril for the required 15 (or however many it says) seconds. If you start this 3 times a day at the very first onset of symptoms, it can be very successful. I swear by it. But we are all made up differently, so it may not work as well for others.

Lingering fevers (even very low ones) are worth the phone call to the doctor.

Lots of good advice here.

Best wishes.

As far as flu shots go, I get one early on and then get a second one in February. This has been recommended to me both by my pulmonologist and my cardio and has kept the flu-bug away (or, at the very least, I've been lucky recently!). I have significant lung issues so it may not apply for all.......
I'm just getting over a cold. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
My surgery was 7/2/08.
My doc did start me on Amoxicillin and Tessalon as soon as she heard my lungs.
Surprisingly coughing and sneezing did not hurt and more importantly did not rip me up inside. I coughed and sneezed as hard as I ever had. It was pretty scary but I dont think I did any damage because I'm still here. I would just be careful when coughing and sneezing, try to sit up, you don't want to be laying down all twisted up when exerting that kind of force. Try hugging a pillow if it hurts or to soften the blow.

Best Wishes
Please, please, please, people don't be stupid, be informed, be responsible.:)

Antibiotics are not the cure all magic bullet for a runny nose and other common cold symptoms, all too readily called 'flu.

The race between research chemists developing new more powerful antibiotics and evolving bacteria is a close run nip and tuck affair. Those of us on here who escaped rampant endocarditis by the skin of our teeth know only too well how ineffective many antibiotics have now become. :eek:

Continuing laissez faire prescribing of antibiotics gives bacteria more opportunities to evolve. Please don't assist.

Well said Bonzo Dog but is there any other way to be protected from endocarditis?
Sore throad with fever was the starting point of my "adventure" with endocarditis. Nobody told me to be carefull of such symptoms despite the fact that I had a mild aortic valve stenosis due to a malformed aortic valve. My Ex-Cardio just advised me to take antibiotics prior to any surgery or dental work.
Last year, I was injected with .....gallons of antibiotic coctails-without any previous blood cultures- but without any results. Antibiotics "did not work" despite the fact that I was never been "adicted" to antibiotics during my life. Endocarditis led me to a septic shock and AVR afterwards.
Last winter I was prescribed twice to antibiotics because of a sore throad and dental work.
Yes Bonzo, Endcarditis is a nasty situation that I would not wish to happen even to my worst enemy! However, antibiotics of second or third generation are the only weapons available at the moment.


just had a quick question, what is tessalon, i have never heard of it before?