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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
If one scrolls to the bottom of the main forum..You will see a thread..What's going On? I see. just now..there are 16 members and 50 guests.:eek: ..Question? who are these 50 guests? Cannot be valve related?....Scary.. Maybe 10 of the 50 could be interested...in Valves, ect..that's why I think it best to not post too much personal information ..or pictures...:eek: ..They need a life.:p Bonnie


I quickly added up the # of viewings. it was 49...:eek: bonnie
Scary, tho .Mary/Danny and me..( my avatar) could be used in a porn video...:D :eek: :confused: :p :mad: :rolleyes: :D :eek: ..Not to mention our Grandkids posted here? bonnie
I think that members who are invisible show up as visitors. There are a lot of members who use the invisible mode, so that might account for some. As Ross said, another big group are the "robot" search engines that search everything.
As long as we don't have last names posted, I think it is hard to track people down. I do know that when you have an unusual "user name" your posts will show up on a google search, so if you had someone watching you, they might follow from one forum to another. Luckily guests can't access the profile information on members--another reason to not post too much info with your signature (which everyone can view.)
I agree. Everyone should be careful. Especially about posting photos of children.

However, maybe there are other members, like me, who have their computer histories cleared quite frequently, and therefore would need to sign in every time we want to post something....in other words, we aren't always signed in when we open up VR.com.

I prefer using the Today's Posts button which changes dramatically the number of posts that appear for me if I sign in and then use "new posts". So, I frequently come to VR.com and never sign in. Maybe to assuage fears, we can have a poll about how many of our members lurk more frequently than they sign in. I'm about 50/50 I would think.

?? Marguerite
ok guys, i am taking your advice ... i just edited my profile to be more vague ... and replaced my smiling sweetie avatar with Tigger! what a shame ... but better to be safe than sorry. i tend to be a trusting soul ... so thanks for the wake-up call. as for the number of guests ... i personally lurked as a guest for a while before joining (or figuring out HOW to join is really more llike it!)


It isn't called the World Wide Web for nothing; it is the greatest public forum ever. Every thing posted can be viewed by anyone anywhere connected to WWW. I would never post a picture of myself on the internet or use my real name. I agree with Andrew'sMom that childrens photos should never be posted. I put my profile only attached to my user name so only other members can view it. I am one that shows up as a guest often as I only bother logging on when I want to post, but usually look in a couple of times a day. :)
I had a conversation with one of our members years ago about pictures of our children and I don't believe there was another picture of that member's child(ren) posted. I have not ever posted a picture of a child in here. I wanted to, tho. I put in the pets' pix now and then. I changed my place of residence to the area, not the city; some have changed theirs to general area of U.S or just the state. We've kinda had this conversation once before when privacy issues came up about the # of people looking in that most of us hadn't noticed much. I have seen a few email addresses posted and that leaves us open to spam and other bad stuff. Nobody's going to protect us on the net better than ourselves, no matter what site you go on. I doubt our pictures in our avatar are a cause for alarm - unless we aren't clothed, but that would not apply to me! :p
Pssst......Little secret for y'all. The Spiders cannot get into your profiles, only the pages posted in the forums. ;) Certain things are off limits from them and that is one of them.

While it's all good to protect yourself on the web, if your name is in the phone book, your just as insecure as you would be to have it all posted in public anyhow. Don't let it rattle you so much. Nothing is secret in this world anymore except where Bin Laden is.
Decided it was time for a change of avatar- this peaceful pic reminds me of the glorious time we spent in Aruba when Dick was recovering from his AVR.
Well, I personally will miss seeing the photos. It helped to have a face for the person you were interacting with. I was frustrated because I hadn't taken the time to figure out how to post one myself. It is too bad we live in a world where we must be so cautious. By the way, I am usually seen as a guest, because I only log in when I post also, so it would be interesting to know how many of the lurkers are our own.
I think our avatars are fine; I just don't have one of me that I care for. Used to, tho. I enjoy looking at the people in here. helps to make a connection.

I have seen email addresses within a thread and don't think that's such a good idea. If you want someone to email you, then you can private mail them to give it.

My name isn't in the phone book. If you want my # you just gotta ask for it.

If anybody wants to locate you, there are all kinds of ways to do it; we certainly don't want to get paranoid in here. What are the chances in all the millions on the net that you will be somebody's target? Almost nil, I would say.

Let's not change anything, just be careful of your 'personal' information in a thread, such as ph #'s, addresses, etc. Leave them in your profile where they are safeguarded by the VR police.
adamsmom said:
Well, I personally will miss seeing the photos. It helped to have a face for the person you were interacting with. I was frustrated because I hadn't taken the time to figure out how to post one myself. It is too bad we live in a world where we must be so cautious. By the way, I am usually seen as a guest, because I only log in when I post also, so it would be interesting to know how many of the lurkers are our own.

Okay- you convinced me- here's a more recent pic than the one I used before.
Ross said:
Don't let it rattle you so much.QUOTE]

I agree with this statement.

If we get paranoid about pictures being posted we're going to deprive each other of much enjoyment. Pictures of children, with their names listed, are in newspapers everyday. Many families have personal websites with pictures galore all over the web. People looking to abduct kids usually find them on myspace.com type places, or in chat rooms. I love seeing the pictures of my friends here and hope everyone doesn't stop sharing.
Check out my new picture!

Check out my new picture!

Thanks Phyllis!
You can certainly take some precautions but, as others have pointed out, there is little that is private anymore. Unless you list your real name, even a city and state are huge areas to try and track someone down (unless you live in a really tiny town). I can guarantee my avatar photo is not the way I look most of the time. Mostly I look like the "before" of Sandra Bullock's character in Miss Congeniality minus the toned physique.:D ;) :D
I would hate for worrying like this to prevent the information that keeps us all family.