What Type of Valve?

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waiting and learning

waiting and learning

Hi there,
I'm 53 yo woman also trying to decide on mechanical or tissue. I had my cardio cath last tues. I was pretty out of it and didn't get much info after. I do remember my doc did say somthing about new bovine tissue lasting as long as any. I hate the thought of a mechanical and I hate the idea of being on cumadin. Last Summer I was working on our house to move in and I fell face first, no hands on a steel/porcelain sink and my face and eye and forhead swelled up like a grapefruit! I imagine if that happened on cumadin I would have been in real trouble. By the time I got to the ER I was deep purple! I also use power tools for projects and If I cut myself....I just don't want another worry and maybe the next time the non invasive surgery will be perfected and offered to most of us anyway or maybe a better blood thinner will be developed....who knows. I have not decided as I won't even meet my surgeon untill weds. Have you met with yours yet? Let us know what he says. I am terrified. I'm hopeing a smaller incision is used now so I don't look like a zipper. I just want to get it over with so my daughter can set a date for her wedding and I can be healed and of use. You don't know how long somthing will last; like my mom had 4 bypasses 25 yrs ago which were suposed to last 10 yrs! She's doing great at 81!
Best to you, Kizzy :confused:
Lezlie Talley said:
I am a 48 year old woman with arotic stenosis. I have been told that my valve is at a severe stage and will need to be replaced. The cardiologist is pressing towards a tissue valve, however, with my age and some of the research I have done I am wondering if a mechanical valve would not be better. The cardiologist also informed me that the aortic valve replacement is less likely to clot. Any helpful information would be great. Thanks
Pretty much what they said. I went under the knife in my early 50's and opted for a mechanical valve, thinking that I probably wouldn't survive replacement of a tissue valve in my 70's. Coumadin is an annoyance, but not much more than that. Serendepitous for me: Post op they found that I had atrial fibrillation, and it's chronic. Guess what treatment of choice for Afib is? Coumadin.
Small Incision

Small Incision

kizzy said:
Hi there,
I'm 53 yo woman also trying to decide on mechanical or tissue. I had my cardio cath last tues. I was pretty out of it and didn't get much info after. I do remember my doc did say somthing about new bovine tissue lasting as long as any. I hate the thought of a mechanical and I hate the idea of being on cumadin. Last Summer I was working on our house to move in and I fell face first, no hands on a steel/porcelain sink and my face and eye and forhead swelled up like a grapefruit! I imagine if that happened on cumadin I would have been in real trouble. By the time I got to the ER I was deep purple! I also use power tools for projects and If I cut myself....I just don't want another worry and maybe the next time the non invasive surgery will be perfected and offered to most of us anyway or maybe a better blood thinner will be developed....who knows. I have not decided as I won't even meet my surgeon untill weds. Have you met with yours yet? Let us know what he says. I am terrified. I'm hopeing a smaller incision is used now so I don't look like a zipper. I just want to get it over with so my daughter can set a date for her wedding and I can be healed and of use. You don't know how long somthing will last; like my mom had 4 bypasses 25 yrs ago which were suposed to last 10 yrs! She's doing great at 81!
Best to you, Kizzy :confused:

Kizzy, I had my aortic valve replaced 9 weeks ago and the incision is only 3 inches long. They still cut through your sternum, so I think the pain factor is about the same, but the scar is much less noticeable. Mine is starting to fade already. My surgeon told me they are using this a lot now, so ask your guy if he does this type of incision.