What to expect when waking up in ICU

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I envy all of you that felt the chest tubes were no big deal.

Here is my take on that:
On a scale of 1 to 10
Ventilator/tube removal - 0.5
Catheter - 1
Broken rib (bike injury) - 3
Chest tube - 15+++++++

That is the single most painful thing I have ever been through but very few people seem to have had a problem with it. It was removed about 10am the day after the surgery just before I left ICU, I was fully cognizant and had not had anything for pain since the day before, I do remember the nurse telling me to breathe after it was pulled out and me wondering how the H#!! am I supposed to do that?

Again, most people don't seem to have any issue.
I have to agree with you MB....I agree 100% on your pain scale....I had two tubes and I had them in until I was in my room a day or so later. The physicians assistant came in and took them out. She was an attractive lady but had terrible bed side Manner...I've had kidney stones and that was a long ungodly pain, but nothing hurt me or stuck in my memory as much as those tubes coming out. I think that MB and I can only say this to you still waiting or preparing to go thru surgery, because we know that once you get to that point, it's all good and your doing fine fine fine.....Free at last, Free at last......Now get in there and have that surgery and come back and share some stories....

We'll be waiting
The first thing I remember is being told, "Your surgery is over." I thought that was pretty good news. I was amazed because it didn't seem like I had been out any time at all. I think it would of been nice to have seen my surgeon's face but of course he was working on the next guy.

I woke up much sooner and more cognizant than anyone had expected. I knew about the breathing tube but it freaked me out anyway. I had this nurse who kept saying, "honey, if you want that tube out you have to breath on your own." Believe me, I was trying. I would write notes to my husband saying I wanted it removed and he would say things like, "I can't believe she can write whole sentences." Very helpful. :mad: I can laugh about it now but it wasn't too funny then. If you wake up and it's still there, remember, it will come out as soon as they are able to remove it. Work out a hand signal with a family member to let them know if you need them to suction out your mouth. Hopefully, you wont have any of the problems I had. It's not the most natural feeling thing but relax and be glad that you're out of surgery.

I was absolutely in no pain. The tubes never gave me any problem at all. It's really different for everyone. I wish you the best of luck with this coming Friday's surgery. Don't let me scare you at all. You'll be fine. It's just fun to tell your war stories when it's all over:D .