What is the best part of being married?

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MelissaM asked that question so I'm going to give my answer in a new thread so as not to hijack the "Married How Long". ;)

At my house, my hubby and I are both Leo's and that is a nightmare sometimes! 2 big cats in one house can be interesting at times! :D But, and that is a BIG but, we are 2 different types of cats, he is the strong, silent, I rule this jungle type of cat and I'm the hiss, claw & spit kind! He's very slow to anger and I'm quick to get fired up! :eek: In 24 years of being together (almost 22 married), I've only seen him angry maybe 6 times. He used to love to 'punch my buttons' to watch me go off about silly things. :mad: Thankfully he don't do that anymore! :rolleyes:

Saying all of that, he is my ROCK! When I get upset, excited, frustrated or whatever and go off into outer space about things, he pulls me back down to earth and gives me a solid place to land. :) When he is deployed to Iraq or wherever, I'm struggling to keep grounded and maintain things, so I miss him terribly. When I'm drowning in things, he is also my ROCK to pull me back up!

The man is truly amazing in so many ways and the best way is that he puts up with me and is always willing to pull me back in and give me a place to rest when life throws me a ball to bounce with!

If in the future anyone sees me 'complain' about his stubbornness, please direct me back to this post?!! :D And Thanks MelissaM for making me stop to appreciate my marriage and my hubby this morning.......I was kinda needing it if you know what I mean? ;)
What is the best part of being married?

A readily available, monogamous sexual partner.

What Mary said sounds good and having someone to share the good times and bad times with and we have been through plenty of both.
terryj said:
What Mary said sounds good and having someone to share the good times and bad times with and we have been through plenty of both.
Yeah, what Terry said!;) :)
Having someone there who is always on your side at the end of a bad day to make you laugh and cheer you back up.

My husband is good at making me laugh and I love that about him sooo much!

What Shelia, Mary, Sue and Emma said..:D :D :D ..After 40 years of being married and 5 years before that....dating...It is hard to say just what is the best thing...For there are many stages.the first 20 years..having our wonderful 2 children..the last 20..seeing them to grow up and become mature, grown adults with their own family.:) and giving us our blessed Grandchildren...:D ...Retirement years is living 24/7 with your best friend..:) Bonnie
Chris and I have fun together. We are both still children (at heart) and we are not afraid to show that side to each other. There is a lot we do that just makes me smile when I think about it (and no, I am not referring to something unmentionable).;) :D ;)

When something great happens to me, I immediately want to share it with Chris. It does not seem as important if I haven't let him know. He is the same way with me. However, we do have many separate friends and interests and never try to restrict each other.

I feel like Chris is simply another part of my personality. I have difficulty knowing sometimes where each of us leaves off and the other begins.

He is my best friend, my lover, and my touchstone. He tells me I am the same for him.
Laughing, arguing, crying, fretting, loving and just plain being quiet with the one who knows most of what you are thinking without having to say it. (Although you may probably be surprised to find that I usually still "say it".:D )

I'm married to Ray, from Everybody Loves Raymond, with a little bit of Chevy Chase thrown in. Even my MIL thinks so. So life is never dull.

Also - he's a human radiator and I'm always cold, so I sleep much better by his side at night.
Best parts about being married:
Knowing that Mike and I have had some pretty rough times, but we've always made it through with communication, compassion, and a lot of love. I told Mike about my heart history when we first met (with me having a weaker right side, he'd find out eventually why I am this way), and put it to him like this, "If you marry me, you marry my cardiologist." :p I didn't want to scare him, but rather wanted to prepare him for something like what happened this summer. The worst part, though, was seeing him so worried all the time when I first started having symptoms and knowing he couldn't do anything about it.

One of the sweetest things Mike ever said was actually to my mom when they were waiting for me to get out of surgery. They were having breakfast in the hospital cafeteria, and my mom asked him how he'd been handling my heart stuff. He replied, "It's my turn to support her; she put up with me when I was unemployed for a year." I don't think he exactly said it like that, but he was basically conveying the fact that I stuck by him when he was at his lowest point, and now it was his turn to stand by me at mine.

Mike gave me a birthday card last week...it could have been written specifically for us. It talked about going through the best and the worst of times, and at the end, it says, "Thanks for everything, I will always love you."

Sometimes it feels like Mike and I are the proverbial "two ships passing in the night," with my crazy after-school hours grading and lesson planning (especially when I was the student paper adviser up until last year) and those times both of us are so exhausted from work, we don't want to do anything but watch T.V. together in silence and eat dinner--but more than just my hubby, he's also my best friend. And most recently again, my sex partner. ;) Had to throw that in there. Heh.
The best part?

1. Having someone to hold hands with when you travel the road of life. The steep hills, and the flat ground. It is safer when you have someone's hand to hold.



What is the best part of being married?

Spending his life insurance, maybe????? :D :D (J/k, of course, seriously, God, I am!)
I'll put up my hand.....

The best part about being married is never having to "date" again. :D

Seriously, folks...your answers pretty much mirror my answers, PLUS having somebody who puts up with all my flaws. :rolleyes:
I too got a good laugh out of the above remarks. There have been a few days when the D word sounded like a good idea.