What Are The Odds I Ask You......I am FURIOUS!!!

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I will say this.......

I will say this.......

And if you will excuse my expression.....I lost one HELL of a Cardiologist when my first one, Dr. Funk left the area...since he has left, I have not been able to find anyone that actually takes any time with me, or they perform one test and call me cured. I think what I am going to do is to instruct my brother to get a lawyer should anything happen to me before I can get put on the right track....

My legs and ankles are swollen up badly, even with the pee pills, my chronic cough is totally annoying, and I am finding that I need to take more naps on a almost daily basis. I am really getting discouraged.....
Harry, I am so sorry to hear you are having all these problems with the medical offices. I am sending my prayers for you. I am no expert on resolving this kind of situation but it does seem to me there should be some recourse. Surely even if a computer crashed, there are backups or at the very least hard copies of the data.

Wishing you a good resolution of all this, Harry.
Harrybaby you are in my prayers and have my best wishes for the best possible out come. You have gone thru so much. (((HUGS))))
Ole Harrybaby is absolutely infuriated.....As you know, I have been gathering up all medical records to go with me down to Mass General Hospital on September 4th and I just received a call from Maine Cardiology Associates telling me that they cannot provide me with the films from my Echocardiograms or other tests as their computer crashed.....they are lost....

This comes only 3 days after I received a call from Portsmouth Regional Hospital records department saying that they are ripping up my request for any films that they have because they didn't put them on VHS or Disc back in 2006.

I can't believe this is happening...and I am wondering if these people have done this on purpose as the attitudes from both places when I told them what I needed them for became very cold, arrogant and mean.

I have lost total faith in any medical doctor or medical practice in NH and I am quickly losing faith in the medical practice all together.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

well, crap, Harry. that is just awful. they should have them in a hard copy somewhere! this is why we need a national archive of our records so they are there when another facility needs them. I am so sorry, Harry. Looks like you just have a little rain cloud over your head. can't blame you for losing faith. only thing is, what would we do without them!!! Blessins, dear Harry..........
I know this is BEYOND frustrating! I also remember you saying that the new doctor won't see you until they have all your records. I would call that doctor and tell him that you would be more than happy to get the records you have been able to collect to him, and tell him about the "lost" records and films. I would also tell him (aka, his office person) about what is going on with you physically right now and that you cannot put off seeing someone much longer. His office should be able to call the places that you haven't had luck in getting your records and get them. To cover them, call these places and have them fax you a form to sign to release any records to that doctor.

When my cardio closed her office she sent all her records to NWestern Hospital Med School Faculty Foundation for safe keeping. The same day I scheduled the appt. with my new cardio, I call to get my records released to the new cardios office. They sent me a form to fill out and I faxed it the next day. FF 4 weeks and my 1st appt 5 days away. The new cardios office had not received the records. I called the Faculty Foundation # 3 times and left messages - not one call was returned. I called the new doctor's office and a woman took it in hand, called and got my records right away. Moral of the story - many places will drag their feet with "civilians" but will snap to for doctors.
I guess I shouldn't be venting all this but.....

I guess I shouldn't be venting all this but.....

I am tired of the palpitations.....I am tired of all the chest pain, the exhaustion, the constant weakness, the swollen ankles, stomach and hands. I am tired of the constant chronic pain I am in due to arthritis, neuropathy and this Spinal Stenosis.....I am tired of the hiatial hernia, the diabetes and the heart murmurs and any other medical issue that I forgot to mention here.

But mostly, I am tired of the doctors not going the distance that they should to get to the bottom of things. I am tired of them blowing me off because they are so busy that they just don't give a s@#t. I am tired of feeling that the medical practice is no longer about finding out what's wrong with the patient, but to make a quick dollar to keep them in his or her Porsche and mansion. I am REALLY tired of them overlooking me because I am on Medicare and Medicaid and giving better treatment to those who have medical insurance that will benefit the doctor instead of the patient. I am tired of the doctors NOT LISTENING TO THE PATIENT, YOU KNOW, THE ONES WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEIR BODIES FEEL LIKE INSIDE....I am tired of the doctors telling me that I need to lose weight when they know that I cannot walk very far or stand for very long due to my back, yet they don't want to operate on my back either...because they say it could paralyze me and that it won't help. If they only knew how much pain I am in, if they could only experience it for themselves, they might then and only then understand how I feel. I keep fighting but it's getting harder and harder....

I am sorry for having to get this out like this....One Frustrated Harrybaby:mad::mad::(:(:mad::mad:
Harry sooooo sorry this is yet getting worse before any better for you
extra stress on you and ,where do they get off doing this
i'm adding extended prayers for you and i really feel angry they are
treating you in this manner,sounds like legal advise is much warranted.
I am so sorry......life is always full of crap when it comes to idiots such,
such as .........ohhhhhh wont type it in here.....God Bless, Harry keep us
posted and venting is good medicine...:(
Seriously Harry - you need to take my advice (I need to have some man listen to me- my DH won't. ;))

Make sure you have all the records you are able to collect. --> Call the new doctor and tell them you have collected all the records available, but that a few places have said they've lost some. --> Tell them, due to increasing issues, you need to make an appointment.

If they tell you no, they need XYZ - then ask to speak directly to the doctor, and simply and succinctly explain you situation to him when you talk to him. If HE says he can't see you until, or they tell you he can't call you back, then apparently you haven't found the right doctor yet and dealing with him will be as frustrating as dealing with the others.

I can't imagine a doctor worth his salt would not allow you to make an appointment with some missing records. As I said in my last post - they may even have some clout in getting those missing records. If not - then they retest you - a pain in the rear, but maybe it will show something new or different that the old record didn't.

Keep plugging away. I know it's so VERY hard not to get frustrated, but the anger and the frustration will throw you off your game and not let you think analytically, which is what needs to happen now. I found I had to think of myself as 2 different people - Karlynn the Health Advocate, and Karlynn the Patient. I had to have Karlynn the Advocate be cool, calm, collected and persistent when speaking with people. After I spoke with the people I let Karlynn the Patient get emotional and frustrated.
Harry, I truly feel for, and understand what you are going through. I also know you will regroup your strength and determination and get what you need to do done !!

I think what Karlynn said about being like 2 different people is exactly right (and exactly how I feel ). So time to get ''Harry the health advocate'' on their a@@@'s to get them doing what you need. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((((HUGS)))) x