westminster dog show

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Gail in Ca

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
I was enjoying the Westminster kennel club dog show on TV and especially the terrier group as I have a smooth fox terrier, Int"l Ch. Marquest Easy as pie,CGC. My daughter and I showed our Gracie and have been in the ring at various shows with 5 of the professional handlers at this prestigious show. Mostly, we got reserve which is like runner up, behind these pros, but how great to know that we spoke to and watched them do such a super job showing dogs. The handler that won the terrier group with a kerry blue was Bill McFadden and he is so nice and once told my 14 yr old daughter that she showed our dog really well.
We were also pleased that a smooth fox terrier got 3d place and we have met the owner of that dog, too, and have been in the ring with him as well.
What a pleasant surprise for us,
TTFN, Gail
Fox Terrier

Fox Terrier

My next door neighbor has a smooth fox terrier,,named Lily..I have a Papillion..My cousin will have a dog..in Hound group tonight. Rhodesian Ridgeback..Like any other sport, cousin says the Judges favor certain dogs.:mad:
What's your breed?

What's your breed?

Gail has a smooth fox terrier..I have a papillion..of course the best dogs are the Mutts..but do you have an AKC breed. Here' your chance to do some bragging. Last night they kept talking about the dogs going to Rehab, ect. centers to visit patients. Rubbing your pet will lower b/p:D Dog Show from Madison Square gardens on again ..last night..at 8 p.m. USA
When Joe was last in the hospital at Albany Medical Center, there was a therapy dog and handler who visited patients. I asked him to bring the dog to see Joe, because he missed his little Harriet, our Shih Tzu.

The therapy dog was a female beagle and mostly interested in begging for patient's food. Joe got a kick out of it.
I have two palace guards ... Great Pyrenees...a male (1) and a female (12), my regal farm guardians and then my ever helpful, loving Border Collie (9) Jill. I love my animals and hope I will always be able to have some furry, loving critter around. Bonnie, I just love the Pappilons ... if I ever get a yen for a small dog a Pappi would be high on the list. I hear they are not yappy like a lot of small dogs and at least the one I know is very loving and intelligent.
Dog show tonight

Dog show tonight

My cousin Sandra Fikes, Mobile, Ala. called and left me a message that her dog Woody had won the best Rhodesian Ridgeback this morning and will be in the group of Hounds tonight. Please send good vibes to Judge for her...Go Woody..Go:D :D :D We had one of her dogs on our farm many years ago. Gentle Giants.Bonnie
The show was certainly exciting. I loved all the dogs in the best of show class. Bonnie what is the papillion like? Any health problems? I think they are so cute. I'm a retriever and labrador fan. So many breeds that I love. At present I have two cats who I love to pieces. martha
Hi All.....Haven't been on in a bit, but haven't forgotten anyone, either. We went in to the garden yesterday to watch springers go. Saw your cousin's ridgeback, Bonnie, and knew he took BOB....what a thrill BOB at the garden!!!! Had a great time with many friends.....after all, the garden is THE place to be. A friend of ours took breed with her springer, and another best of opposite sex, lots of excitement.

Coming home was very depressing. Penn Station had National Guardsmen, and a DEFINITE increased police presence. I absolutely hate to think our great country is going to have to exist like this. I've never been so glad to get out to the country as I was last evening!!!

I actually went out and bought heavy plastic----just in case. Of course Tyce thinks I'm nuts and so do the guys at our local hardware store, but better safe than sorry. Duct tape is a staple in our house, so we didn't need any of that. I hate to even think of this!!!

Be well and kiss all the critters!!!


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