Weird tastes, ringing ears - happy 4th of July!

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Happy July 4th!

I'm writing this from a hotel room after being discharged from Mass General yesterday...hard to believe as the surgery was in the "future" for so long.i have been reading the forums for the last year or so and have found so many of the threads so very helpful and informative. it's so lucky - when i know no one personally who has gone through this - to have a forum such as this. thank you for all the insightful comments and useful links.

i found out about a 1.25 years ago that a childhood heart murmur was not so benign but rather had a bicuspid valve with an ascending aortic aneurysm of approx 50mm. I'm 45 and had no symptoms. i consulted various doctors and most recommended waiting until 55mm but evidence of what is the right timing is very hard. they can't very well take 10,000 folks with aneurysms, note their various characteristics (bav or not, etc.) and sit back and just wait to see what happens, noting at what size each individual dissected. thus there is a certain element of guesswork. as a parent, having the realistic notion that i could drop dead (G-D forbid) as any moment was a heavy weight to carry around, one whose weight i'm only recently comprehending in the post surgical period.

last week i had the valve replaced with a Carpentier-Edwards Bovine Pericardium and the ascending aorta replaced with a graft by Dr. Hilgenberg at Mass General. Mass General was excellent. my decision to move forward on the timing was partially spurred by a link on these forums to a presentation by Dr. Isselbacher concerning the timing of dissection in those with Bav's. it also led me to mass gen it self so thanks forum folks.

i'm am generally pleased with the progress of my surgery but am having a few somewhat puzzling post surgery issues.

first, everything tastes weird or bad or metallic. I'll take a bite of something and it tastes ok but then a second later just off or bad. my wife will verify it's my perception rather than the food. I've had a bit of a sore throat that is only starting to abate (from the breathing time and an intra operative TEE) but I'm not sure how that could affect it. Have others had problems with how things taste post surgery? how long did it last?

second - driving me crazy - when i lie down at night i feel/hear the beating of my heart in my ears very loudly. it feels like the deep reverberation of a bass drum or a bass guitar and makes me very headachy. it started while in the hospital and i was initially afraid it was somehow connected to a bp change, an acceleration of my heart rate or an an arrhythmia and that thankfully does not seem to be the case. but it's as if my ears are connected to my heart and in addition to the distraction, my heart "sounds" too fast and too loud to me which is distressing. has anyone else had anything like this?

Happy 4th,

First, welcome to this side of the mountain. I hope your recovery is uneventul.
As for the heart beating loudly, I experienced that too. For the longest time after my OHS, I would lay down and feel like my heart was beating so hard.
As for eating, I came home from the hospital starving! The doctor said I was definitely an exception to the rule.
Andrew -

First off, welcome to this side of the mountain!!! :)

Food tasted weird to me for maybe the first 3 weeks after I got home (total 4 weeks post op). Of all things, canned fruit (which I don't normally eat much of) and jello (same thing) both tasted "normal" to me so I stuck with those. Other things tasted funny or metalic. It went away gradually and was gone within a month.

Second, my heart did sound funny/loud to me post op. I don't know if it was me, in the quiet of the night waiting for the next beat, wondering if it would come at all, basically I was just obsessing about it all. Still I could swear that now, months post op, my heart is quieter? Can this be? I don't know if it's real or in my head but I distinctly remember what you are describing in the immediate post op weeks. I had a mitral repair, that may be different, I know, but the disturbing sound disappeared at some point too.

Again, congrats on your successful surgery and best wishes for an uncomplicated recovery!!

Happy fourth :)
Thanks Praline & Ruth

Thanks Praline & Ruth

so it sounds like the food thing is common? i'll try the canned fruit and other stuff. the hard part is also the ups and day i feel great, and the next i feel like i've gone backwards not forwards
I'm with you, the ups & downs are frustrating. I sooooo wanted to recover at a linear pace, each day better than the one before. It didn't work that way for me. Just try (easy for me to say) to NOT *really* overdo it, boy, never before have I felt exhaustion that deep. I still have to deal with pacing myself a little bit even 6 months out. I'm prone to wanting to take on the world in a single day :)

The first weeks are baby steps but you'll sail through them before you know it!
Welcome to this side of the mountain. Glad to hear you are progressing well.

Take it easy. Recovery will have it's good days and bad days. Unfortunately it's not linear, and I found the pace seemed to go in bursts, then flattens. Changes seemed to be measured week-to-week, month-to-month, rather than day-to-day. Be patient, and pace yourself, but rest assured it'll get better.

I found food didn't taste right for several weeks. I didn't think it tasted bad, just different.

Best wishes for a smooth recovery.
Hey Andrew, sound to me like you had heart surgery. :D Everything your complaining about is normal in recovery. Taste will be off for about 3 or 4 weeks and eventually, the loudness will deteriorate. Now that your getting a great flow to your head, your ears are the first place to take notice.
Hi Andrew,

Congratulations on taking the step forward toward a healthy heart and for your good progress since surgery.

I am experiencing the sensation of a strong heart beat in the ears and neck (probably carotid artery). I also had a Bicuspid Aortic Valve replaced with a Carpentier Edwards bovine valve -- about 4 ½ months before you. The post-surgery operative report stated that my valve was ?severely calcified with little -to-no movement of the leaflets.? For the most part I am fully recovered and feeling my old self again at this point.

I believe (as a total medical neophyte) that I hear the heart beat so much louder now because the new valve is much stronger than my original, natural valve. My heart does not need to work as hard, but there is a better, stronger flow of blood. For me, there is no correlation between my heart rate and blood pressure to the strong beat that I hear and feel. For the first few weeks after surgery my HR was disturbingly high (100 - 110) but gradually lowered over time. Now, my resting rate is in the upper 50s to 60?s. Before surgery it was in the 70?s. I am chalking up the lower HR to the beta-blockers and other medicines, which I am hoping to discontinue soon.

Best wishes for continued, gradual recovery. Stay strong!

I had problems with my sense of taste for about 1 month post-op. Only things that tasted good were fresh fruit, OJ and iced tea. Carbonated drinks had an off-taste and sickened me.

On hearing your heart beat: We can hear our mechanical valves. It wouldn't surprise me to be able to hear a tissue valve. It may be a tissue valve, but it's still not your NATIVE tissue valve. I've seen other tissue valvers comment about hearing their new valve.
it's really helpful to get all your comments

it's really helpful to get all your comments

about my hearing and taste. the doctors are obviously more focused on the big surgical issues and tend not to have as much of a focus - logically - on some of this stuff. so to hear that others have had it - and it passed - is really helpful.
Yes i too think everything tastes a bit off. I assumed it was the vicodin and pain killers affecting my tastebuds. I also have a numb tongue - so my whole mouth is a bit screwy.

And the loud heartbeat is making me NUTS! Feels like i went for a run and my heart is beating really hard almost all the time. Doc says that is normal though.
Both of your heart issues will eventually blend into life and will no longer be an issue that is brought to your attention with every beat. It really will go away in time.
For me food tasted horrible for weeks. Anything beef was bad, anything poultry was bad. Pork tasted about the closest to normal of any meat.
I could stomach chicken noodle soup. I could not drink a coca cola, so water and lemonade was about all I drank. I lost 20 pounds after surgery because nothing tasted right. I swear the day hamburgers started to taste right I didn't stop eating lol!
As for hearing my heart beat with a tissue valve, yeah, it was most pronounced at night. But then it was like you were SOOOOOOOOOOO aware of what had been done you just listen to make sure things were working right, with me especially since I had a couple bouts of A-fib in the hospital.


I congrat you for being able to type after just 8 days post-op:D Yes, food tasted awful..I loved the cold, carton Juices .that you buy back in the cooler section..Not the glass bottled juices..I lost 14 lbs..but gained those and more back.:mad: After about 3 weeks, went thru fast-food at Wendy's and I ordered a cheesebuger..Yummy..So good............all down hill after that..weight came back:( .........All you really need to be doing walking a LITTLE....resting, taking your pain meds....Takes a long time for this type of surgery..for you to really get to feeling your old self again..Do NOT push it...........In 6 weeks you should be able to drive, ect...Enjoy the pampering from your family..:D Welcome to our forum..Bonnie

I was pretty much turned off with food for several weeks, but I loved fresh fruit. So... that is what I lived on for a while. I lost 15 lbs. and then one day the old appetite just started picking up again.

As for the loud heart......5 mos. out and it still drives me crazy. I just had a valve repair, but had the asccending replaced with the Dacron graft. I think it is the force of the blood hitting that graft that makes it sound so loud. My heart rate and blood pressure are normal but it beats so loud, I have trouble going to sleep and if I wake up during the night, forget going back to sleep. My husband can hear it and even sitting watching TV, if the girls sit on the couch with me, they say,"What is that noise? It sounds like someone is hammering something!!"

I keep waiting to either get used to it or it to get quieter. My cardiologist told me if I was overweight, it would not be so noticeable. Oh well......

Best of luck in your recovery!

Linda D.
congrats on the success of your surgery!

Your complaints all sound pretty normal.
For me it was anything sweet (I am a chocoholic) that tasted badly. I could eat pot roast and did daily for about 3 weeks! fruit and bread tasted good too.

Eventually I could eat chocolate again:D Of course I tried everytday until it tasted good to me.
Welcome to this side of the mountain.. Take it easy.. one day at a time!
As all others have confirmed, it all sounds pretty normal. So glad that you are on this side of the mountain and sending you best wishes for an uneventful recovery and a return home soon- there is nothing like home!
the mountain

the mountain

definitely better to be on this side than the other side. but it's kind of funny. i did a lot of research and intellectual preparation prior to surgery and was fairly calm. now i look back and i can barely believe how serious it was and how involved and lengthy the surgery is. and it seems amazing, astounding that doctors can actually do this successfully. and with so many people in operating room, so many things going on at once. remarkable. it's more alarming to me now in retrospect.

while I'm feeling pretty good - cross your fingers as I'm only out of the hospital for a couple of days - i can not help but be touched by many of the more difficult stories that i read on this forum. my heart and prayers truly go out to those who have been dealt a worse set of cards.

in a way i feel like the last year and half has been a bit of blessing. with the thought of rupture at any time (G-D forbid) weighing on me, it has made everything clearer, sharper and more beautiful.