We need an argument #2

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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
How about the age old operating system debate? I just finished reading an article in the Ney York Times that attempted to explain what you need to know, purchase, & install for the Vista operating system.

All I can say is my goodness gracious. It looks like it will be a great time to be an experienced computer professional. The article concludes with the following sentence:

"Whether you want to or not, you?ll probably be using it on your next PC."
I think we end up with a lot of software on our PCs that we don't need or use. I'm in bad need of a new computer, mine is ancient. I've added a memory chip about a year ago to get 512MB but with EXCEL, WORD and a bunch of other stuff, it's just bogged down. I had to shut of McAFEE security because it's always running around checking everything and takes a lot of time. When I look at the ads from HP, Dell, Gateway, it's really confusing with the different op systems, upgrades, drives, etc. I'd really like a dual processor one but I'm not real sure about some of the other stuff.
We've come a long way since the first day I walked into a new job (NOV 1964) as a trainee computer operator and there sat a 64MB computer that took up a room as big as a dance hall and was colder than Alaska in Jan. :)

From what I've read on Vista about upgrading to your current PC is DON'T.

Unless you have a fairly new machine Vista will either not be able to run all its "new and improved" features or it will make things worse. All recommendations I've seen is to wait and buy a new machine with Vista already installed. That way you will be able to use all the features.


I remember my first computer like guys remember their first car. It was a 386 machine with about 30 MB of hard drive with a 5 1/2 floppy drive. I paid almost $3,000 for it (was supposed to be TOP OF THE LINE). Within 6 months it was almost obsolete. They came out with the 3 1/2 floppy, then CDs. Soon you couldn't get programs in 5 1/2. I had to start deleting things off that HUGE hard drive to make room for more stuff. The wife wasn't happy with the first purchase and you can imagine how happy she was when 18 months later I NEEDED to buy a NEW ONE. I like to never sold her on that idea!!!!!

As far as shutting off McAFEE (or other) security, one word again DON'T!!!! I've got a sister-in-law that has gone thru two hard drive rebuilds because she didn't want to take the time to download those pesky, long winded updates. Too much stuff out there on the web to enter unprotected. My usual ritual at my home computer is to FIRST update every protection program after logging on. I've been known to spend the entire evening updating and never getting to my E-Mails or VR.COM.

My problem now is being limited to snail mail land line hook-up, one of the benefits of "living in the sticks". My almost daily Norton updates take forever to download, usually requiring several attempts before getting it all. Don't even think about downloading updates to other software. I've gotten very adapt at using Jump Drives (I carry one in my pocket almost every day) to download software updates either at work or at one of the kids. DSL where are you??????

May God Bless,

I wonder?

I wonder?

Is there an operating system that doesn't require security updates, spyware protection-one that runs as fast as the day you bought it even three years later?

One that can read and exchange files with all other computers for such programs as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excell, etc.?

I bet there is.
Our first PC was before the 386, Windows OS didn't come out until we had the computer for 2 years. Our hard drive was 36 mb. Our friends used to kid us about launching satalites from our computer. We had to know DOS to operate it. Yes, we've come a long way baby.

Now I need to get an external backup drive because I only have 5 gig of space left on my 60 gig hard drive. (And my constant fear is having to do a complete restore on my computer!!!)

I'm hoping to wait on a new computer until Vista gets all the kinks worked out. Kind of like being told you shouldn't buy a car the 1st year of a model change.
I'm guessing that's one of the Apple ads??? My son drinks the Apple Kool-Aid too.:D But next time I probably will look into an Apple if I can operate a few of my Windows only apps on them.
Talk to your son (about this), please.

Talk to your son (about this), please.

I practiced law using PCs for years. My son, a computer IT guy kept saying to switch, & I kept saying no. Finally, he said he was tired of making my computer run and made the following ultimatum: buy an Apple and get his unlimited cheerful assistance, or buy a PC and be on my own. Smart boy-except for some instructions on getting started, I haven't needed any help since the switch. I assume you know that the new Macs run all (I believe) PC software if you want them to.

But-I have saved the best for last. Your new Mac will come with a web-cam and microphone that you hardly even see. If your son doesn't have the new one, he can get a camera to attach to his Mac. Then, if you both have a hi-speed connection you can see and talk to your grand-daughter as if she were on television. We have hi-speed at our library. My wife sits and talks to Ellie, for free, in Puerto Rico. I am sure there are other ways a PC might be able to do this, but on your mac it is point & click. Imagine sitting outside near a hi-speed connection-not plugged into anything-while you see and hear your grand-daughter. The picture is so good that Ellie, at 18 months, recognizes grandma & grandpa. Check this out with your son-get a mac with sufficient speed, and an internet conection with hi-speed (the higher, the better picture you will get). If your son got it set up on his end, you could probably have them give you a trial run at the Apple store.

Finally, you hardly want to know what you, as an artist have been missing out on.
I already miss having Garage Band. You should hear the recordings a friend of mine does with her Mac and the GB program that comes with it. There is no comparable program for PC. I've looked.