Warning on Toprol beat blocker

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This relates to my conditions. I was on lopressor with frequent migraines in the mornings. Also I had high LDL/Triglyceride and low HDL. I googled and found many studies saying that lopressor (beta-blockers in general) could cause the lipid problem and even lead to diabetes. Also, although beta-blockers are used to treate migraines, for me, it seemd to be rather the cause. Ever since I started to reduce the lopressor dosage, I experienced much fewer migraines.

Now I am in the first week without any beta-blocker. My BP is raised to 125/80 from about 110/70 and hr to 75 from 60. I hope they will get a little better in another two weeks or so when the after effect is totally gone. And I will have my blood tested too. I hope the lipid panel will look good this time.


Please keep us updated on this. I am particularly interested as I am on Metoprolol (only 25 mg) and I have been a migraine sufferer for decades. The frequency has increased (although the severity seems to have diminished a bit). Yesterday, I had three of them and I've started getting the occular migraines again. I've also had more lightheadedness as of late. Not sure if they're related. My plan is to ask my cardio if I can stop this med when I see her in late Feb. and I'm wondering how long it'll take my body (HR in particular) to adjust and what that adjustment will be.

Just a thought here... Perhaps, since a beta blocker slows the heart rate, and also lowers the BP, there is a greater risk of a clot developing.

But... if you are also on Coumadin, then you are already on the preventative medication for preventing a clot from developing.

Anyway, in my case, I take a 50 mg atenolol in the morning, and another at night. I am also on Coumadin.
I do go into A-fib and A-flutter from time to time, and each time, they tell me that I am already on Coumadin, so my risk of clotting is greatly reduced, and the main thing they focus on is getting my heart back in rythmn.

Sure would be nice to live life without having to take all these pills! But then... would we still be living?


Just a thought here... Perhaps, since a beta blocker slows the heart rate, and also lowers the BP, there is a greater risk of a clot developing.

Thats a possibility,I like to know the mechanism of action myself.
Alot of times,the pharmacologists don't even know how certain effects
come about,and sometimes our educated guesses are correct:)
My guess is that since Metoprolol reduces blood (and thus oxygen) supply to the brain, this effectively puts you into the situation similar to when you are stressed and don't get enough blood in the brain. That seems to be the cause of my migraine. Sometimes, when I exercise too hard and my heart rate can't catch up to pump more blood, I get migraine too.


Please keep us updated on this. I am particularly interested as I am on Metoprolol (only 25 mg) and I have been a migraine sufferer for decades. The frequency has increased (although the severity seems to have diminished a bit). Yesterday, I had three of them and I've started getting the occular migraines again. I've also had more lightheadedness as of late. Not sure if they're related. My plan is to ask my cardio if I can stop this med when I see her in late Feb. and I'm wondering how long it'll take my body (HR in particular) to adjust and what that adjustment will be.