Warfarin and buffets

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I was born with aortic stenosis, and had my aortic valve replaced when I was 8, in 2001 through a ross procedure. Now I am 22, and have been told my aorta has dilated to 4.9cm, i have moderate pulmonary valve disease, and my aortic valve is suffering from significant leakage, although I am asymptomatic.

I will be having my root replaced, my pulmonary conduit replaced and my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical aortic valve.

My question is, do I really have to stop my love for buffets? I tend to go to a buffet once every few months. Could this affect my INR levels even if I have a standard intake of vitamin k from my usual diet?

Thank you all.
zee112;n858337 said:
My question is, do I really have to stop my love for buffets? I tend to go to a buffet once every few months. Could this affect my INR levels even if I have a standard intake of vitamin k from my usual diet?
I seriously doubt it.

My personal philosophy is eat drink and enjoy. I have a mechanical valve and am of course on warfarin. I watch what I eat only from the perspective of not spilling it.

Monitor and dose yourself and you will probably be better off

Best wishes
zee112;n858337 said:
I was born with aortic stenosis, and had my aortic valve replaced when I was 8, in 2001 through a ross procedure. Now I am 22, and have been told my aorta has dilated to 4.9cm, i have moderate pulmonary valve disease, and my aortic valve is suffering from significant leakage, although I am asymptomatic.

I will be having my root replaced, my pulmonary conduit replaced and my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical aortic valve.

My question is, do I really have to stop my love for buffets? I tend to go to a buffet once every few months. Could this affect my INR levels even if I have a standard intake of vitamin k from my usual diet?

Thank you all.
Just look up foods that are really high in vitamin k and avoid them. You will give your anticoagulation clinic fits and really make it hard on yourself to get your inr in range by pigging out on those foods. Besides that eat all the low vitamin k foods that you can stand. :)
Hi zee112. My experience is that I eat whatever I want, although I try to be mindful of the vit K I eat and try to stay consistent over the week. I am a lover of buffets(went thru one Sat at my grandsons wedding) and would not think of giving them up. I have found that normal consumption of "greens", unless I really pig out, has only a little effect on my INR. I use the vit K vegs to tweak my INR. If I am a little high I eat a little more "greens" and if I am a little low I lay off the "greens". When on warfarin "you adjust the dose to your diet and not adjust your diet to fit a dose"........makes life a lot easier.

BTW, welcome to this forum. It is the best one I've found for advice and support from folks who have been there.....done that.
Thank you all for your time in replying and helping me understand this better. And thank you dick0236, I hope to regularly contribute to this website now :).. I've always lived in denial and didn't think this day would come, mainly because I was 8 when I had my first operation and I didn't really understand what was happening to me or why I was in a hospital!
zee 112, you can still go the your buffett. You have a varity of foods and salads to pick from. That is ideal because it caters to everyone diet needs. You know what you can normally eat and what foods contain more vitamin k than others. It is the varity I love about buffetts. Go do your reagular trek when you do it. Do not worry and eat senisbly. Hugs for today.
I sure hope not, since I've eaten at two buffets in the last 8 days! Actually, when I read the title of your post I that it was going to contain some kind of joke about the second richest man in America (Warfarin Buffet, Warren Buffet), but I'm a sucker for some decent word play.
Seriously though, a buffet is just a bunch of food. Eat what ever you like, even while trying to be somewhat consistent. (Your INR would be more stable, for example if you didn't binge on Kale smoothies the first and third Saturday of every month, for example)
Don't stress about it nearly as much as that.