Waiting on surgery date

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
Upstate South Carolina
Had an appointment with cardio this past Monday to checkup after my bout with endocarditis (Enteroccocus durans bacteria).

Echo shows no change from previous echos. BAV and 4.5 cm aorta. Cardio and surgeon are to confer to 1) determine whether to address the aorta and 2) see if the surgeon wants a heart cath. done in case a bypass is needed.

My thoughts: do the cath. and replace the aorta while addressing the valve. I'm 99% decided on a mechanical valve to reduce the chances of reops due to age (39)/

Cardio (Clements) indicated I should get a call within 1-2 weeks. Surgery date determined by surgeon's schedule (Chen). I will be going to Emory in Atlanta, GA to join the zipper club.

Welcome to the forum. There is lots of great support here. Sounds like you have everything under control and are at peace with this. You have a good surgeon and are young so you should come through this better than before. I had a tissue valve my first go around and wish I had gotten a mechanical the first time. The 2nd surgery was no picnic. Good luck with your decision.
Hi Scott & welcome. Even though I don't have all the facts, I agree with you - might as well do everything while they're in there. Sounds like you are comfortable with the process & surgeon. Will be watching for a surgery date - be sure to post the info. And, as far as questions... ask away.
Welcome Scott! Hoping/praying for a great outcome in your upcoming surgery! And it's very good to take care of all issues at the same time. Some have shared with me that they didn't take care of all at same time, with regrets for that. Good luck & Godspeed! ~karen14
Welcome to VR, Scott.

Welcome to VR, Scott.

Welcome to VR, Scott. From your comments, it sounds as though you have already done a good deal of study. The heart cath will also help to better characterize the state of the valve as well as arteries and has been a familiar step to many of us. Let us know how we can be of help.
