Vitamin recommendations

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Active member
Sep 22, 2014
Calgary, Canada
Hi all,
So last week I was told by my surgeon that I'll have my surgery "end of March or beginning of April". I did a quick search but didn't find much so I'll pose the question: Does anyone have any specific recommendations on vitamins or minerals to take or avoid while preparing for my upcoming surgery?
I continued to take the vitamins I'd taken for some years prior to surgery, those are: CoQ10, vitamin K2 as MK-7, vitamin D3 and omega 3's - the latter two on prescription. I continued to take them in hospital with the cardiologist's and cardiac surgeon's knowledge so they must have approved of them. had to hand them in on admission and they were dispensed along with my regular medication and what they gave me. I read on the omega 3 package leaflet that they should be cut out some time before surgery but the doctors were fine with me continuing on them.
Ask your surgeon.
My surgeon was very specific about Rx and OTC medications he wanted me to stop at a particular time prior to surgery..
This is not a question for an internet forum but one for your surgeon and/or cardiologist.
almost_hectic;n862084 said:
As is always the case, a healthy well balanced diet will be more beneficial than any vitamin
Except there are some vitamins that are not readily available from diet. Vitamin D for example - it's readily available from the sun but only at certain times of year so in the UK apparently there are around 85% of people who are deficient in it ! The only foods that have sufficient amounts of D3 are wild salmon, eggs have minute amounts, you'd have to eat around 20 a day to get enough. Vitamin K2 as well is not availalbe easily from diet apart from some fermented foods like Japanese natto and some cheeses and real sauerkraut. In the past, before refrigeration, people generally got more vitamin K2 as it is made by bacteria in foodstuffs as they begin to go off/putrify - not dangerously putrify but just a little as in stored without refrigeration as in the past ! It's true omega 3's can be obtained from diet if you eat plenty of fish. CoQ10 is debatable, aparently we don't make so much as we get older. The water soluble vitamins like C and B's are easy to get from food.
I take coq10, vitamin k2 as mk7, a multi and krill Oil. I'm pretty sure my docs told me to stop the krill oil prior to surgery.