Very afraid

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as of

as of

yesterday,no growth on the cultures..:p,just need to find out where this fever is coming from now.I am working on it,love the pup
that's good news. no growth. but we still have a mystery that needs to be solved. Could a med be causing it? Is it a high fever? Take good care of yourself.
So glad to read this Darlene, because one way or another, I intend to meet up with you one day next week!
Hopefully they will get to the bottom of this soon. Thanks for the update. It was good to see you posting. I think of you often
even though we never met in person.
the fever

the fever

is low grade,I will wake in morning /no fever,,but I always take 1 exedrin pm every night,have for many years,I think it is dropping temp at night.
By 10 am or so it will be 99.5,by afternoon 100.5 or more,and I always feel so drained....I cant walk more than maybe 50 ft or so then claudication ruins my day,but this fever makes me weak as a kitten ,my head throbs and I just want to lay down....I am going to put my my size 6 down on all my drs,we must find the cause of this....:mad:life is hard enough,I dont need this draining me,I even had this fever in the hospital!!!
Its a mystery,but so is my exteme anemia...cant find where Im losing blood ..but without the iron pills,it drops scarily,which is very dangerous for heart patients apparently,as not enough oxygen in blood means I could just pass away during sleep..:eek:,quietly..and I plan on passing away with a roar not as a kitten lol :p....,Mary you will see,Ive dark dark circles under my eyes and I am always struggling for breath.....I look like a ghost of my former self,,lol.
My daughter says I just look sickly ..she is being kind....Well I will stop whining now,and please forgive my self pity time,love the pup
I know I'm scratching my head trying to figure it out. I'm scratching as fast as I can too dear. :(
Yaps, so sorry that you are going through all this.

A diurnal fever is a common symptom of CHF, but when you mentioned extreme anemia, fireworks went off in my head. Did you get a mechanical valve replacement? Because when I was doing some research months ago, I read a bio of a man who had a mech. valve installed and then began to suffer from extreme anemia because the valve was shredding the red blood cells on their way through the heart.

Let me see if I can find anything on this.


Just did some quick Googling and it looks like the condition is called "mechanical hemolytic anemia".


"Physical damage to red blood cell membranes can result from microangiopathic (MI-kro-an-jee-o-PA-thik) changes in small blood vessels. An artificial heart valve or other device used in blood vessels also can damage red blood cell membranes. Damage can occur with a heart-lung bypass machine during open-heart surgery. Damage also can occur with preeclampsia or eclampsia (elevated blood pressure and protein in the urine after the 20th week of pregnancy). Blood cell damage may occur in the limbs while participating in marathons or other strenuous activities."

Have your docs mentioned this and ruled it out? If not, please call and ask them about this as a possibility.

Sending a prayer your way.
Joe suffered from hemolysis (destruction of the blood cells) from his old Bjork-Shiley aortic mechanical valve. He also suffered from impaired kidney function which also causes anemia.

He was on prescription strength folic acid and iron pills, and I gave him ProCrit shots three times per week. Even with all this, he was only able to sustain borderline normal bloodwork, and most of the time it was substandard.

He often also had to have blood transfusions.

He was under the care of a hematologist.
i am so sorry you are dealing with all this,yaps! sending good vibes your way! trish