Vent: sick of getting sick & listening to "well" complainers and a ?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
been a little bit of a rough weekend....I could use a little bit of a vent session

first of all, I have had a cold this weekend, not a particularly bad one, but no matter what, I seem to always have a hard time with colds, they always seem to hit me hard, and the last few times I have either gotten bronchitis, or close to it, this time it didnt turn into bronchitis, but it was still acting like it, I ended up taking my singulair and albuterol inhaler for a couple of days from the last time I was sick with bronchitis (the albuterol is not fun to take, uggh) and thank god it worked, but saturday I was so out of breath from just walking a quarter mile to the store and back, it was like I had just run a mile.

I dont have "asthma" but I do get like that when I am sick, does anyone else have a hard time with colds? this is really getting to be a PITA and I am wondering if it has to do with the heart stuff?

and the second part of this is that I am so sick of listening to healthy people complain about the stupid things they do to themselves....let me explain myself...I just took a second job at wendys so I can get some money for school. There is a kid who works there who is 17, he smokes and complains to me all the time that he is out of breath. he told me as I was taking my inhaler that he wishes he had an inhaler. He wishes he hadnt done this to himself. He claims that his life would be so much different if he wasnt a smoker, he would be doing sports, and stuff, yet he brags about smoking dope, and went out and got so drunk and high the other night to the point where he was still puking at 7 pm the next night, he decided to take 9, yes 9 ultram tablets to make himself feel better!

I dont know why, but he decides to come to me, of all people and tell me this stuff. I am 20, working my butt off to pay for college, I chose not to smoke and dont party, yet I have to deal with the stuff I am going and have gone through, and I dont have the choice of "quitting smoking" and there is no "fixing" it. I have had open heart surgery twice, and am looking at at least 1 more. I told him this, but he seemed to not give a crap, minimized it, and blew me off, then told me about his partying experience the next day.

I realize the immaturity factor here, but this drives me nuts, it really isnt fair. and yeah I know, life isnt fair, but still, people can be jerks, I know he isnt trying to rub it in my face, but ppl are stupid, and have no clue sometimes how much something like this can hurt.

anyways, I think I am gonna head to bed, I am having a bunch of PVCs the last day or so, and its probably from being overtired, but thanks for listening

Morgan, 20
Sorry you're having a rough time. Hope it gets better.

Hang in there.

P. S. My in-laws used to live in St. Johnsbury--are you anywhere near there?
Hi, Morgan--
I can empathize with you regarding pretty much everything you've said. And don't worry about venting; we all do at one time or another because this "heart stuff" can get frustrating.

I've noticed that ever since my surgery, colds and other respiratory afflictions hit me hard. I suffer from seasonal allergies, and have since I was 21. But in the ten months (today!) since my valve repair, I have to stay on top of things or I'll get worse. An example: The week before Easter I thought I was just having run-of-the-mill allergies. I'd had chest pressure for a week, and went to the cardio's office, even though I was pretty sure the chest tightness was allergy-related and not something worse. Anyway, I ended up with an upper respiratory infection and took antibiotics for five days. I felt pretty miserable! :( I don't know if the respiratory stuff is because of the heart-lung machine and my lungs just aren't the same since, but I hate that I've gotten sick three times since October with these things.

As for the people being (inadvertently) insensitive thing, I've had quite a few people try to compare their issues with mine. As if heart surgery and having a cold are the same thing. Trust me, I still get weird comments from people trying to compare their health problems, like an ingrown toenail, to my residual post-op dyspnea. An acquaintance from work and I were talking last year about my "summer vacation"--I had left my job as a high school teacher from April until the end of the school year to have my surgery. She said, "Oh, you're so lucky to have an early vacation, I bet you're having all kinds of fun and doing things you normally don't get to do." I really wanted to reply, "Yeah, if not being able to get out of bed because I'm so short of breath is fun." I was so symptomatic it wasn't funny, and here people were making light of my medical leave as if I were leaving school to go to the Bahamas for two months. But, yes, people might mean well, and because they know you're dealing with something difficult, try to empathize in really awkward ways. Still, that co-worker, I agree, is very immature and has no right to complain about the things he is deliberately doing to himself.

Morgan, you seem to be a strong young woman. You have gone through a lot at your young age, and I'm sure you'll face that next OHS with the grace and maturity that you've already displayed. Just keep in mind, as you already have, that there are idiots out there, and try not to let them get to you (I know, easier said than done).

We're all here to support you, and feel free to vent anytime!

P.S. I hate PVCs, too.


Hi Morgan:) I just wanted to give you a hug and tell you I hope tomorrow is a better day! I think some people are so wrapped up with themselves and such that they havn't a clue. Scary that these people vote isn't it:eek: Anywho I'm sorry you have to deal with insensitive people who havn't the slightest idea of what is going on outside of the fog and dont treat you with the respect you deserve. Hope you sleep well.:)
Sorry you're having a bad time. Many of us have had various experiences where friends will just not get what we've been through. I constantly get people who assume I must have had bypass surgery, so I must not be able to eat meat or other fatty foods. I just say "I recently had a heart cath done and I know my coronary arteries are clean as a whistle. How about you?"

Hang in there. You'll always find people here willing to listen.

P.S. Don't give up on school. You'll be glad you did it!
Ah, Morgan...

Sorry you are having a bad time right now....

I can understand your frustration about how those who are "well" complain about stuff ... know that all too well....

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
my radio show:CD SHOWCASE.7:30p central.Friday/April 20 =
I hope you feel better very soon. I wanted to address the young guy who approached you with his problems. I believe he came to you especially because he saw a very strong person and hoped that by sharing his problems with you, some of your strength would transport to him (so to speak). Maybe if you give him a few stern talkings to, he would sit up and take notice. Just a thought.
Morgan -

I so know what you mean. I'm turning 40 next year and the amount of people of my similiar age who are whinging and complaining about turning 40 and how hard it is for them to cope with etc. etc. These are people who are perfectly healthy!! I'm going to be absolutely wrapted to turn 40 - because it will mean I'm still alive!!! Hang in there - and feel free to vent here anytime you like - we do understand :)
So sorry you have to put up with people like that, once when we thought our son was going in for his second heart surgery, a so called friend was more interested if i would be buying my son a bigger and better toy than her children had:mad:.Wishing you the best of luck and dont let them get you down.
aussiemember said:
Morgan -

I so know what you mean. I'm turning 40 next year and the amount of people of my similiar age who are whinging and complaining about turning 40 and how hard it is for them to cope with etc. etc. These are people who are perfectly healthy!! I'm going to be absolutely wrapted to turn 40 - because it will mean I'm still alive!!! Hang in there - and feel free to vent here anytime you like - we do understand :)
Hey I made it to 45! I was told years ago that I wouldn't make it this far. Nice to know that those in the know don't know so much after all.

Morgan I can relate. I sit here wearing oxygen 24/7/365, sucking albuterol and all. I've said more then once this week that I'm tired of it all. Can't do the things I want to do anymore etc. Just remember, While there are those that healthly and complaining, there are others that are even worse.
Megan -

You have a lot of wisdom for someone your age. I understand how you feel. It is hard to 'sympathize' with folks who were dealt a pretty good hand health-wise and choose to eat/drink/smoke their way into an early grave complaining along the way.

Best to ignore them, they are vexations to the spirit. You are so much more experienced and have much more depth of understanding than they have. Someday, perhaps, they too will come to understand but not now.

I wish you all the best,
Morgan. I hope you are feeling better now. I honestly think it would be worth a call to the cardiologist with your concerns about how your colds are affecting you. The shortness of breath may be a factor he would want to know about. I know how busy you are. Honest. My 3 children are all in college and asking them to consult with a doctor is like a threat to their sanity.

I'm sorry that your co-worker riles you. My suspicion is that he respects you and just wants to know how he could be more like you. By befriending you and sharing his unsavory ways, perhaps he hopes you will mentor him toward a more respectable lifestyle.

I have sent you a private message (PM). In it is a quote that I hope you will appreciate. My children love this quote. Maybe it will help you some.

Best wishes! Stay strong and determined. For someone as young as you to have so much on your plate at should be walking around with great pride for your personal effort.

:) Marguerite


The night before my surgery I remember telling several of my sisters and my wife that life really wasn't fair. When they asked me what I was talking about I responded with a smile that if life were fair one of them would be having this surgery and I'd be sitting there offering support. None of them agreed, but they got the intended humor.

It's undoubtedly a fatalistic attitude, but I firmly believe everything that happens to us and every challenge we face is there for a reason. Unfortunately, most of the time we go through life without knowing or understanding the reason. Sometimes we get lucky and the reason becomes perfectly clear.

I'm only three weeks post-surgery, but I've already began to hear from the "healthy whiner group." I simply resond with my best empathetic face and do my best to tune them out. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position where I can respond with a line like, "Give me a break." A lot of folks simply can't help themselves; complaining comes quite naturally. Another thing that comes naturally is attempting to compare ailments.

Like you I don't have much empathy for drunks and dopers.

Please get yourself regrouped and avoid making any decisions that involve dropping school. You'd expect that kind of advice from a high school principal like me. Over the last twenty-seven years, I've talked to a lot of kids who either dropped our of high school and college. None of them could ever give me a list of positive benefits; the majority have always had regrets.

The best advice I ever received was from an old guidance counselor who had almost fourty years of experience. He told me to never make important decisions when I was upset. It was good advice that has served me well and kept me out of trouble.

Never be afraid of using members of this group to vent. Support is one of the things we do best.

hey guys,
I just want to say thank you for all the replies, honestly, when I read them all I wanted to start crying, because of the simple fact that so many understand whats going on, and have similar experience. I really appreciate that.

I am feeling better physically too, Im almost back to feeling "normal" (whatever that is to a 20 y/old heart kid) on suggestion from someone else off from the ACHA board I am gonna talk to my GP about getting a pneumonia shot seeing as I will be working with resp pts many of whom have the very resp infections I am scared crappless of.

as far as that kid, he isnt the only one driving me nutz lately, and I need to realize that ppl dont get it, and they wont just cause I want them to, but venting about it really helped....
anyways, I gotta go, paperwork, and plenty of it sitting on the table next to me staring me down, I'd better get a pot of coffee going........
thanks again
Trinityheart8891 said:
...I need to realize that ppl dont get it, and they wont just cause I want them to


Indeed ... very true. Yeah, a tough lesson to learn sometimes, but a very important one ... in terms of surviving and moving ahead ;).

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
my radio show:CD SHOWCASE.7:30p central.Friday/April 20 =
ppl dont get it, and they wont just cause I want them to, but venting about it really helped....

Yeah Morgan - feel free to vent some more, it's good for you !!

And I'm sure your friends & co-workers know you've been through a lot of challenging experiences in your life so far - and are really glad of your opinion !

Best Wishes

George Montgomery