Valves birthday

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
Today marks the 21st birthday of my St Judes mitral and aortic valves. Truely a reason to celebrate. Party is tonight so anyone in MN stop on by.
If only I could, I would! ;) Congratulations double ticker. Happy to know how long it's been for you. Gives me renewed hope. :)
Don't forget to buy it a glass of champagne. You might benefit too.;) :D ;)
AH yes, I think I remember 21

AH yes, I think I remember 21

As I look back, I am greeted with fond memories of 21.:)
Enjoy the day and I hope you can look forward to 21 more.:D
Many congratulations! Your 21st is a good thing - for all of us!
Kathleen congratulations on 21 years. I don?t even know were MN is. Minnesota? I am sure I will not see 21 years before another AVR is required, I am even more impressed by RCB his first AVR was before I was even born. If I can make 45 years post first AVR I will be pleased. :)
Congratulations, Kathleen! But you'd have to buy each valve a glass of champagne, wouldn't you?
My daughter, who recently turned 21, will be returning to school in Minnesota on Monday, too late for the party, although she too is legal now. I vividly recall sitting with my wife while the doctor did an emergency C-section to get her out, just 21 years ago.
where's the party?

where's the party?

Congratulations! I live in Minnesota...where's the party????:) :) :)
Congrats, valves! You too, Kathleen. Have a grand old party ("Not a political comment").
Wow, Kathleen, I'm in awe of your 21 years. I'm going on nine and consider myself an old-timer. Enjoy yourself and celebrate your ticker. :) :)
Congratulations, Kathleen. You are an inspiration to many on this forum. Keep on ticking!
Congratulations "team"

Congratulations "team"

on 21 years of living! What a wonderful thing to celebrate - may God continue to watch over you and your valves for many more years to come.

Christina L
AWWWWW....I missed the party :( I was out of town for the Easter Weekend. Well, happy re-birthday anyway and I hope you had a good Easter!
