Update on "The Little One"

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2002
Flushing, Queens, NY
First I need to say hello to all my heart buddies and I've missed you guys and I'm sorry I've been such a stranger to the boards. Hmmm...What to say first...I guess life's been like everyone elses, Ups and Downs, Good days and bad. The past summer I had two procedures done to remove cancerous cells from my cervix (Yup, Lovenox injections and all, ouch!). I'm now anxiously awaiting the results from my test 2 weeks ago. I see my cardiologist a week from tomorrow, hopefully. I came home today to a letter from my insurance company saying happy birthday, We've dropped you. So, as of my birthday I have no health insurance. So, I guess we'll pay cobra for the 3 months they'll cover me and then maybe Medicare/Medicaid.
Besides all that there is one very huge UP in my life. My sister is pregnant with what we think is my niece . Her due date is June 10th. I'm going to be an AUNT!!! and I couldn't be happier. I'm also going to be a GodMother, which is so exciting. My sister having a baby and me being the godmother is the closest thing I'll probably ever have to being a mommy, I'm gonna be the Auntie!!! Unfortunately, Earlier this month my sister's father-in-law passed away. Heart attack, Age 64. So, It's been very bittersweet times for my family, from going to sonogram appt.'s to attending the funeral of my niece or nephew's grandfather. As far as my personal life, Still working part time as a physical therapy aide and as for the few of you who remember Will, my boyfriend. He left me a week after my procedure in Oct., I guess he got tired of dealing with it all. I also think he couldn't see himself not having children. So, I've been single in NYC, and it's not as fun as everyone makes it out to be, lol. Been too busy to be worrying about boys anyway. I think I've summed it all up, sorry so long. But I promise to stop in more often and am slapping myself on the wrist for not visiting. So, Where's the reunion this year?? Any chance on the east coast? lol.

Hugs and Kisses,
He he he....glad to see that you finally posted about your life, Nicole :).

Ups and downs for sure.... I hope your tests come back showing that everything is well again for you.

As for the insurance...that definitely is not a good birthday present :(. I could think of better things to give ;).

...Such as being an Aunt! That is sssoo exciting! My sis and her fiance get married in a few months...they've bought a house. But, no talk of little ones running the place yet. Darnit.

And, sorry that Will left you.

*shakes head*

He is a fool, I'd say, for leaving you.... But, well, something better will come along for you....

As for being single...it's not all it is cracked up to be anywhere. However...it isn't that bad either ;).

The reunion, btw, is in Las Vegas. I've been to the last 2 ... Chicago and Denver, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get to LV because my major road trip this year is out east (last year I went west around the reunion).

As for you, young lady, don't be a stranger....or we'll have to send Ross out a huntin' for you. And that won't be pretty ;).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
Well now, you certainly lead an active life. Why does it all sound so familiar?

You better let me know what the results of test are or I'll......I'll........Well I don't know what I'll do, but I'll think of something.

Keep your head up and your shoulders square. I know Mr Right is watching you, you just haven't found him yet!

Still can't believe you just turned 22. I'm really feeling like an old fossil now. I've watched you grow up!

Congrats on the joyous parts of your life. I'm sure your happy as can be in that department.

Don't be a stranger. We miss you and many of us think of you all the time. :)
Hey, YOung'un. I am so glad to see you. We talk about you all the time - and miss you.

Your life, for such a young lady, has so many ups and downs. Sorry about Willthebum, but maybe it's for the best - we never know, do we? And life goes on without him.

You sound like you are taking most of life in stride. Well, maybe not the insurance thing. If you can get the Medicare/Medicaid, that will be a big help. Don't give up on it. Eventually, it comes through. Just ask a few of the members - they'll say you should hang in.

Congratulations on the new baby. You'll have a beautiful gift of her love and there isn't anything more important than that. Enjoy her, as you would your own - well, we already know you will.

Please give our condolences to your extended family.

Let us know how the tests went?

Take care. Thanks for bringing us up to date. As Ross says, we are watching you grow up.


I did not realize we where almost the same age - I will be 22 next month - how neat! Sounds like you sre handling llife's strssors much better than I ever have been the last few months! Congrats on being a Godmother it's a sweet time!!

Hi guys, Thank you all for the well wishes and support. I got some good news this week and wanted to share...Talked to my OB/GYN and he says things look good and he'll see me in April. So, <phew>. I have my echo and cardio on Tuesday and prmoise to post the update on that as well. Hmmm...Vegas looks out of the question for me. Any hope on east coast next year?? Mini-reunion at AC anybody?? I hope all is well with everyone. Take care!
Young one ... I don't know you (relatively new to the boards) but we are practically neighbors! I live in Queens too ... survived the NY dating scene as well. The 20's are rough enough w/o health issues but boy ... it sounds like you've had a handful with pre-cancer and with heart issues ... and now insurance issues! You're do for some better days. When I was in the timultuous twenties (the quarter life crisis) I used to say, "I can't wait till I turn 30" etc. The '30s are a bit easier and it sounds like you're due for that.

As an aside, why so short on the cobra? I'd look into this further ... sounds weird.
