Update on Tenndon's Ross Procedure!!

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Hey y'all. This is Jenna, Don's daughter. Don got off the ventilator last night about 11:30pm. We just came from ICU and Don is doing very well. The surgery lasted 7 hours. In addition to the ROSS procedure, the surgeon found and repaired an aortic aneurysm. Don thanks you all dearly for your prayers and words of comfort.
Thanks, Jenna, for the update.:)
I am so glad they found the aneurysm and got it taken care of. I guess your dad got a two for one deal with his Ross, huh?:D :p
Please pass my best wishes along to your dad.
Wonderful news, Jenna. Please give Don my best and I'll keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

Thanks so much for taking the time to post, Jenna. Tell your Dad that we are so pleased that surgery was a success and wish him an uneventful recovery.
Great news. So glad they found the aneurysm and took care of that too! Praying for an uneventful and speedy recovery for you Don. God bless.
Thank you for letting us know the good news about your Dad. I'm continuing to pray for a smooth, uneventful recovery for him. Please give him our best.
StretchL said:
Hi, Jenna! Great news! I've been thinking of your dad regularly over the last couple of days. So glad to hear he's doing well.

Give him a big wet kiss from all his friends here on VR.com!


This is the first "group kiss" I've ever heard of....and wet even! Don you really are special!

You are funny StretchL....in a humorous way, I mean.
Thank you Jenna for posting an update. Your dad's going to do well, stay strong for him and help as much as you can here in the near future.

A "two-for one" special deal, that's good, get it all over with at once.

Please pass along warm wishes to your Dad.

;) Great news Jenna,thanks for keeping us posted and I'll pray for a speedy recovery for your Dad.
Thanks, Jenna. Please wish your dad the best. His previous posts and his strong faith have been a comfort to me.
Don I rejoyce with you and your family. My wife and I are planning to come and see you tomarrow. Were steal in prayer for you.
Hi Jenna - Glad to hear the good news. Hope he has a smooth recovery. Hang in there. There can be some ups and downs throughout the recovery process. But he'll probably feel much better, bit by bit, but very soon!
Hi Jenna

Please give your Dad our very best wishes for a speedy recovery. WOW, he really did get two for the price of one......I'm so glad he's doing well. Remember to give him the vr.com motto.....nap, nap, nap, walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, breathe......Please tell him he's in our prayers.

Evelyn and Tyce
Thank you so much for letting us know how Don is doing. It is wonderful that they found and fixed the aneurysm so maybe he can avoid any further surgeries connected with his valve issues.

Please give him our best and now you can relax too.
GREAT news, Jenna! Thank you for sharing!

Thoughts/prayers coming Tenndon's way for a SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
That's great news and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

Best Wishes

George Montgomery