Update on Stretch

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Hi everyone, this is Noni. I'm happy to report that Stretch is doing remarkably well today. He moved to a stepdown room last night, 26 hours after his surgery. He said the bottom of his feet hurt, and his chest hurts. But overall, his recovery is progressing.

Since I have a cold (coughing and chest congestion) since Monday (the day of his surgery) I've been trying to keep a distant from him as not to give him my cold. So today I only saw him for a few hours, and he basically told me to go back to my room and rest. I told him that y'all have been sending him messages, especially about him in the infamous shirt photo. He got a chuckle out of it.

Thank you all again.
Good news, Noni and smart for you to stay a distance from Stretch now as hard as it may be. He doesn't need your cold now and he for sure doesn't need to cough- then his chest will really hurt! Take care of yourself and get better fast so that you can give him all the TLC he will need when you get him home. He's in good hands now!
Great to hear he's making quick progress! Here's wishing him continued quick recovery!
Noni, one thing you could do when you go in to see him is to ask the hospital people for a surgical mask, and of course wash your hands thoroughly.

Great to hear that Stretch is doing well. We're praying for him and you too. I could totally understand the desire to be there for him but not wanting to risk any sickness to him. Get some rest as I'm sure you are worn down from stress and sickness.

Good to hear that Stretch is returning to himself again. I can vouch that David Fortune has regained his sense of humor already, if not his sense of taste (that will take a few more weeks, I'm afraid).

Please tell him that I'm thinking of him.

Best wishes,
So glad to hear that Stretch is doing better but So sorry to hear about your cold. You poor thing! Isn't that always the way to come down with one at the wrong time? It is probably a good decision for you to stay away from Stretch and not pass any germs to him but even better for you to stay in your hotel room and REST! You need it. Can you find a good deli and get some good old chicken noodle soup? I think that's what the doctor would order:D you take care of yourself!

Glad to hear that Stretch is going fine. As for his chest hurting, ask him if he got the license plate on the Mack truck that hit him. :D
Don't understand about his feet hurting, though. :confused:

Take care of yourself now. It's easy for a care provider to become ill, what with stress over an upcoming surgery of a loved one and with it being winter.
Glad to hear "Stretch" is coming along well. But sorry to hear you have the bug....just what he doesn't need. A pillow will be his best friend for a good while...:)
Noni - You take care of yourself! It will be a hard road for you ahead also. It is great to hear that Stretch is getting back to his ol' self. Fluids and rest for you.
Fantastic! Hope today is filled with positives and progress. Keep up the good work, both of you.

:D Marguerite
hi noni,
so sorry to hear you have a cold. there are so many places around the hospital ,i'm sure there is one that has some chicken soup (there's a grocery store that sells soup of the day each day; i remember buying that for joey. wonder if there still around).
we are so thrilled to hear stretch is doing well.
i was just wondering if there's anything you need or that i can do....
do you think they will release him tomorrow?
please keep us up to date.
stay well and please take care of yourself too!
Leave it to Stretch to have something out of the norm! I don't think I've heard of anyone reporting p.o. foot pain??? Sounds like he could use a good foot massage. I hope the hospital is supplying masks for both of you to keep those germs contained.

Happy to hear everything is progressing smoothly:D
Anybody that can visit Stretch????

Anybody that can visit Stretch????

I spoke with Noni a little while ago and she is really sick. I know it is killing her to stay away from stretch so he is kinda by himself. Anybody up there in NY that could drop by to say "Hi" from VR.COM?

It sucks to be doing this almost by yourself. I know it is really hard for Noni not to be there as much as she wants but she is trying not to get stretch sick.
davidfortune said:
I spoke with Noni a little while ago and she is really sick. I know it is killing her to stay away from stretch so he is kinda by himself. Anybody up there in NY that could drop by to say "Hi" from VR.COM?

It sucks to be doing this almost by yourself. I know it is really hard for Noni not to be there as much as she wants but she is trying not to get stretch sick.

David, maybe start this as a new thread so that everyone is sure to see it?? Really sorry to hear that Noni is sick - please give her our best wishes - Jeanne
Thank you for your concern David!

Thank you for your concern David!

David - it was so nice for you to call me this afternoon, I appreciate it. My antibiotic should kick in anytime now - I hope to feel better by tomorrow. I went to visit Stretch in the evening for a couple of hours. He's pretty weak, the doc told him that his hemoglobin is pretty low. He'll have an echocardiogram tomorrow. O yeah his feet are not hurting anymore.

Thanks everyone for your advise - I do wear a mask in Stretch's room, and wash my hands everytime I do something, definitely don't want to pass my germs to him.

Well, Stretch is up and about - but still feel tired. He appreciates everyone's prayers and kind words.
