Update on me... (long-ish)

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Hey, all. It's been quite awhile since I last posted. Not so much from lack of time, as lack of effort. I haven't even been reading in over a month and feel as if I'm completely lost as to what is going on with all of you. After my emergency ovarian cyst surgery I haven't really been on the computer much, preferring to read in my free time. I've been doing quite a lot of it, even though I have other things I should be doing (like grading papers!).

Anyway, I thought I'd let everyone know that I'm doing MUCH better, though it took longer than I expected to recover. I was out from school for nearly three weeks, which was hard on the kids as well as on me. I finally got to start back in rehab this past Friday and I feel like I'm almost starting over, though I'm not quite THAT behind. I'm glad I'm back, though.

I know before all of this happened I had expressed that I wanted out of teaching, and was feeling stressed beyond belief. Well, I'm still stressed, but I'm trying to ignore it ;) . I've come to a decision, though. I want to go back to school and get my master's in Library Science. While working on my master's I know I won't be able to teach at the same time, so I've decided to try to get a library asstant job here in the district I already work in. It will be a drastic drop in pay, but at least I won't have to change insurances or start over with a new deductable. Not that our insurance is great, but the fact that there won't be a lapse in coverage at all is a definate plus. I've already talked to the head librarian for the district, who does the initial interview. She says that, if there is an opening (which there SHOULD be, since we're opening 3 new schools) I will be put at the top of the list. Yippy! Now to work on getting into a master's program. I'll probably go to my old alma mater (is that spelled right?) the University of North Texas, or its neighbor Texas Woman's University. I'm not too worried about getting in, since the minimum GPA requirement for getting in is 3.0 and I had a 3.8 when I graduated.

This is actually a two fold decision. You see, I am currently the only income in my household (my husband is going back to school full time to become a nurse). While hubby-dear has been talking for some time about getting a part-time job, nothing has really happened towards that goal. It has been a point of conflict between us for awhile. But if we are to continue to live in the style we've become used to (which is skimpy to say the least) he will HAVE to have some sort of income on top of mine, since I'll be making less money. I am afraid that right now, he doesn't see a real need to have a job, since we get by. But hopefully will see that it is necissary to have a job to suplement my new one. We've talked over my decision and he completely supports me and knows he will need an income. We'll see what happens...

Anyway, that's about the extent of my update. I'm just counting the days to the end of the school year so I can get on with other things. Having a new direction to look sure makes things feel better, even if the current situation is the exact same. Thanks for reading my update. I'll try to read up on what I've missed over the next few days, but if I missed anything big, please let me know.
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Thanks, Niki, for coming back, and for the informative posts. I've enjoyed all your posts in the past. I was just asking on the chat session this past Sunday if anyone had heard from you.

I wish you the best in your pursuit of library science.


Wow, Jim. I didn't think anyone would have even noticed I'd been gone. Thanks for missing me. ;) I'll definately be trying to keep up again. Altho, next week is Spring Break, so I can't make too many promises. :D
Niki - Nice to see you back around. Sorry you're having household stress, but I know that often happens during the first few years of marriage. Many of us have survived that, too.

As for spring break -- don't make any promises to us! It is your break, you've earned it. Enjoy the time to unwind and de-stress. When the time is right, we'll all be here waiting to hear from you again.

Take time to smell the roses (all we can smell is rock salt, here!).

I wondered what happened to ya ;). I'm glad to know you are much better!

Hopefully we can catch up sometime....

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member, Faith COB, Batavia IL http://www.faithcob.org
MC's Future = http://www.projectmonte.com/petition/
My MC Family & Story = http://www.aros.net/~rbuck/cort
G1=1970-1972...72...2nd owner
G2=1973-1977...76...2nd owner
G3=1978-1980...79...3rd owner
G4=1981-1988...81...2nd owner
Ga=1995-1999...uh, no
Gb=2000-200?...00...1st owner *****FOR SALE*****
RIP: 1976=Parents' [my] car ... 1988=Silver Bullet
**********WANTED: 87 MC LS (or) Olds Cutlass**********
Hee, hee...

Hee, hee...

Did you miss me, Cort? :D It's great to feel loved ;) . Thanks for the welcome back.

It's amazing, six weeks away and the first day I'm back I've visited the site about six times. :D Guess the old adiction is back... Is this a good thing or a bad thing? ;)
He he he...of course I missed ya ;). And, you are welcome :).

As for the addiction, I'd say it's a good thing...but, I'm not biased or anything...LOL!
Hey, Girl - nice to see you back and that your cyst has been taken care of. We remember the awful pain you were in - and staying home and bearing it. Glad the members pushed you on that one.

On the career thing, my husband was going to school, we had two young children, I worked to support us, mother took care of the children, we were poor. It certainly was cause for friction, but you will manage if your determination is strong and you each try very hard to understand the other. Education can never hurt and can lead to a wonderful future for you both. God bless


There is nothing more valuable than working in a field that you love. No amount of money can substitute. Although you may have to tighten the purse strings a little it will be worth it for the joy of waking up and looking forward to going to work. Education is the best gift you can ever give yourself. I never went on to college but I instilled in my daughters head from the day she was born that she was going to college. Our bedtime stories always had a female who was in charge of her life because she had more choices and the reason she had more choices was because she went to college. Good luck through all of this and be proud of yourself. Peggy