Update on Lisa

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I talked to Randy and Lisa today. Shes still in teh hopsital but they expect to release her tomorrow. They have rescheduled her colonscopy for Friday. She has a specialist to see in 2 weeks and the last of her tests have been done to clear her for the lung transplant. She was really dehydrated and they have her on liquids only. Lets all say a prayer for her recovery and a safe colonoscopy on friday.
Thanks Alicia

Thanks Alicia

Lisa gets an extra prayer from me tonight and you take care too.....Don't go and get a cold, ect. before surgery. Bonnie)


Lisa, you're a strong person, and your great attitude will help you through this. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

Thanks, Alicia, for the update.
Lisa has certainly had a pretty rough time of it. I sincerely hope that from now on things go much smoother for her. I will say some extra prayers for her regarding all of her upcoming surgeries and health issues. Alicia, I also want to thank you very much for keeping us informed. Lisa is very lucky to have such a good new friend such as yourself. Bonnie is right about also taking care of yourself before your upcoming surgery. I will say a special prayer for you as well.

Take Care!
Please tell Lisa I am thinking of her and hope all goes well for her release tomorrow and a pain free colonoscopy.


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