Update on Garry

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Garry has now been diagnosed with sub aortic stenosis - he will be admitted to Vancouver General for another echogram on August 28th and then admitted to Toronto General October 8th for whatever!! Has anyone out there had or developed sub aortic stenosis after aortic valve replacement. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Lula and Garry
Hi Lula and Garry-

It sounds like the docs now have a plan for Garry. Don't know anything about subaortic stenosis, but it sound as if help is around the corner for him.

I hope all goes well with him in the next few weeks and I'll be thinking about him.
Hi from Edmonton.

I'm sorry I don't know much about sub aortic stenosis, but I understand AVR doesn't preclude any of us from getting it over time.

Out of curiousity, when did Garry have his surgery and what valve type did they use?

This may sound like a stupid question, but is Toronto General in Vancouver or Toronto? I just wonder why you'd go all the way to Toronto for surgery, when Vancouver has some excellent care facilities.
New Update on Garry

New Update on Garry

I apologize for not answering Kevin from Edmonton sooner. We are in Lillooet, BC so is good to hear from someone closer to home. Garry had his aortic valve replaced with a pig's valve January 4th in Vancouver General. He also had his mitral valve repaired ( a ring was put in) he developed a severe leak after surgery and they were not sure if they would have to take him back into surgery or if the leak would settle down. They did a throat echo four days after surgery and decided to leave it and keep a close watch. He has been going down to Vancouver every six weeks for echograms. He has never recuperated from surgery (tired, out of breath, chest pains etc.) They kept changing his medication but nothing helped. His last echo in June showed a blockage just below the aortic valve and his mitral valve showed severe systolic anterior motion - his peak gradient went from 41 to 169. His cardiologist met with six other specialists to review and decide what to do. They put him on metoprolol and Norpace Cr and decided to send him to Toronto. He is now under the care of Dr. Wigle who is world renown and specializes in valves and sub aortic stenosis. He will be admitted to Toronto General (which is in Toronto) and we are not sure of what they will do. Apparantly blockage is too close to new valve for it to be removed safely and the mitral valve will have to be replaced. It will depend on the condition of his heart. There is some new techniques they are contemplating. They do not have the expertise in Vancouver and that is why they are sending him to Toronto. Since he has been on the new medication he is not having as much chest pain but he is very tired. He spends most of the day either sleeping or resting. He is scheduled for another echo in Vancouver August 8th. Will keep you posted on his progress. Lula
Hi Lula-

I'm so very sorry to hear that Garry is having such problems. It sounds as if you have some wonderful help in Toronto and that Garry's case is being investigated very carefully. I think that is an extremely important step prior to surgery. I always feel much better when Joe's doctors do lots of tests and studies before they "cut". Investigation into a heart problem is, in my opinion, the most important step.

When all is over and Garry has his surgery, he'll feel like a new man. The good thing about heart problems is that most of them can be fixed up.

When I remember how terrible Joe felt prior to his last surgery, it's like an old nightmare. He's had some recent problems not related to heart, but those will eventually get better. His heart has felt fine from day one after his last surgery. His color has returned and he can walk now without breathlessness. All of the nasty heart related things are slowly disappearing. He can drive and has been discharged by the surgeon.

My thoughts are with you both in these tense days. Please remember that we all care and that Garry will get better.
My heart and prayers are your to keep close. I pray that all goes well for your husband. It sounds like the drs have him as a very high priority and that is so important; certainly adds to your own confidence. Please keep us posted. God bless
I had my surgery at Toronto General with Dr. Tyrone David. I'm not sure what kind of facilities Vancouver has but I can attest to the absolute excellence of Dr. David and Toronto General. Dr. David is an incredible surgeon and the staff at Toronto General are just as helpful. If you have Dr. David, you will be in wonderful hands! Good luck!!