Update, Boston 2011

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
Hey Guys!
I know this is like a month late, but I wanted to update everyone on my trip to Boston and my appointment at BACH.

My appt was 4/11/11, we had an excellent time in Boston for the few days we were down there, we went shopping/roaming around down near fanuiel hall and quincy market and a park/wharf near the Charles River, we went to hard rock cafe, Boston, and we also hit up a red sox/yankees game (Sox won, woo hoo!!!) Then the morning of my appointment we went to the Boston Museum of Science, which was awesome (I wish we had more time to roam around in there, but 1:30 was coming quickly)

My appt was excellent! Yet again, I learned a whole lot more about my heart than I had known. I had a cardiac MRI, an EKG, and a stress test. The cardiac MRI wasnt horrible, but it wasnt exactly fun, either. . . Well worth the pictures they got though, I got to see some of them, and it is down right amazing what they can do now a days! I saw some of the 3D reconstructions of the images, and they were Beautiful! My aorta is down right Phunky looking (has a "kink" in it, and is mildly narrowed), and we learned from the MRI that I DO NOT have a Bicuspid aortic valve more (I saw it myself, looking down the barrel of my aorta towards my left ventricle, albeit leaky, its a perfect looking mercedes sign) also, I do in fact have a VSD patch leak, which means I will always have to take pre dental antibiotics. The EKG was the same as ever (usually anti climactic :rolleyes:)

more good news is that I did better on the stress test this year than last, which means that my cardiac status is good, and my functional capacity is improving with exercise.

I got the go to have kids when it is time, they can hook me up with a local high risk OB GYN and they told me that I will need to be seen frequently, and they will echo the baby, and echo me once a trimester.

The last thing was the only not so good news, I am having SVTs again, probably related to scar tissue is what Dr V said, as well as that my heart is some times beating hard/faster than it needs to (rate was around 100 in the office, and it was pounding on my sternum, the PA noted this as well on the exam) They put me on Metoprolol, extended release (Toprol XL) I started out with 25 mg's, and went up to 50 mg's, instead of monitoring to see what the rhythms are, they said if this doesnt work we'll have to do a monitor to see whats going on (I actually take this as a good option, as opposed to having to wear a 30 day monitor or implantable loop recorder)

I was VERY lucky to have Roland involved in the appointment as well as my mom, the interactions with the BACH staff were awesome, they seemed to know very well how to control the flow of the appointment and not let my mom take over, like she has in the past, they also allowed Roland and I to talk alone with them, which I think helped Roland understand better what's going on with me as far as my heart, and to include him as "part of the team"

I will be seeing them next year again (they gave me a choice of whether or not I want to be seen in boston again, but based on the care I have recieved, its a no brainer), they also would like me to see someone locally so I have a local cardiologist, in case of emergency, so I have made an appointment with the local ACH cardio which I didnt like very much in the past, just to have the appt, and a local cardio seeing me

anyways, I just thought I'd share my good news
does anyone here have any experience with metoprolol? I am assuming I'll probably end up needing to persue this further at some point, gotta love being on cardiac meds, its definitely better than the alternative though!
Good morning, and sounds like a great appointment overall. I am on metoprolol, taking 75mg twice daily. At least for my surgeon this is the normal course of meds for approximately six months after surgery for valve patients, as it slows the heart down and helps regulate blood pressure as the heart remodels. Over the first six months, the heart is manually slowed so that it can 'get used' to the new, lower pressure through the valve. This will help reduce the thickness of the left ventricle (most of which have had some amount of LVH set in) if it is present as well.
Morgan, I am on Metoprolol and have been for years. I take 150 mg morning and night with no adverse effects. What great news about family planning and so good to hear that yoou are able to take control of your life with someone you love.
While it may seem as if mom is interfering, she reallly loves and cares for you as you are `her little girl``and always will be (you will see when you have children) and no none can look after them like you can. I'm saying that while she seems to and probably is getting in the way, for her it is very hard to let go but she will. You strike me as a wonderful "head on straight" young lady and the more she gets to know Roland the more she will step back but will always be there for you.
Morgan - I'm thrilled for you! Sounds like a lot of great news this trip.

I'm also glad you got to enjoy Boston. My wife and I spent a long weekend there over July 4, 2004 and simply loved it. So much history; so many places you can walk to (even with my then-stenotic valve) and such great restaurants. I'd better be quiet now or I will play hookie from work and fly out there myself.

I also am taking metoprolol. I don't know how much of an issue it may be for me, as I am only 9 weeks post-op. One of the common side effects of metoprolol is insomnia -- and I think I have that one. It isn't too bad for me - I just seem to wake up in the middle of the night, then take an hour or two to fall asleep again. As long as I'm on a flexible work schedule, I'll deal with it. Hope you don't get this one, though.

Sounds like an awesome trip and report to me. :)

I take Toprol ... 25mg in the morning ... 25mg in the evening.

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