Understanding INR

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Perhaps the readership on this here thread - doesn't know it but:
INR levels and Coumadin/Warfarin treatments and results - are NOT (<<-- check the word!!) an EXACT science! Fluctuations ARE expected, and levels cannot be maintained steadily,. Reasons for that are, that many factors are involved in getting blood viscosity to register "X" on a certain day: Types of food eaten, drinks drank, physical activity...and perhaps more...so just bc a reading is not exactly between 2 to 3 on a day, doesn't mean that one isn't well! For example, I was released from hospital in 2002 after my INR rose to 1.9 from very low after a blood clot in the left leg! Dr didn't keep me in bed bc of a 1.9 ! And at times my INR would go to 3.3 and perhaps to 3.5...The average here, is what matters! Ex: Over 1-2 week period or more, how much is one's INR? If it is between 2-3 on the avearge, then youre OK. But many times my INR fluctuates below 2.0 and above 3.0...So you adjust your dosage per...That's it! My Dr once told me "INR is not the best thing we have - it's the ONLY med we have!". This thing now: You should record your INR over a few years. Use an EXCEL to do it...and see what your normal monthly averages are (AVERAGES) and go by that. If you try to key-off a particular day or week, you'll only affect your mental - not your INR! Remember this: INR is NOT an exact science! Just take your average over time, making efforts to stay between 2-3 but don't anger yourself bc it's not 2.5 dead on a certain day! Adjust. Do your best and remember to live!

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