UK patients

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Guess you already know this, but just in case you missed it somehow, here's GOOD NEWS:
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UK heart patients to choose where they're treated
Dec 07 (Reuters Health) - British heart patients on long waiting lists are to be given the choice of where they are treated, Health Secretary Alan Milburn announced on Thursday.

He told the Commons that from the middle of next year every patient in England who has waited for a heart operation for 6 months would be able to choose which hospital they are treated in--public or private, at home or abroad.

The move follows the government's announcement last month that UK health spending in the coming year will rise by #1 billion more than expected.

"The resources we now have available mean that we can make a start next year to introduce this new system whereby patients choose the hospital rather than hospitals choosing the patient," Milburn said.

He told MPs that the choice being offered to heart patients would later be extended to other conditions. "It will for the first time be the patient's choice and that choice will no longer be between waiting longer for treatment and paying for treatment."

British Medical Association chairman Dr. Ian Bogle welcomed the extra funding to support patient choice but warned that the proposals could only be seen as an interim solution.

"The government must invest in the National Health Service so that patients have no need to go abroad or to private hospitals and have the choice of first-class healthcare close to home," he said in a statement.

Bogle added that medical assessment must be taken into account when deciding which patients will be treated in private hospitals or overseas-- not just the desire to cut waiting lists.
Good News

Good News

This can only be good news Hensylee ...but for patients living in England ..does not include Scotland ...although better some than none :)
Are you any closer to getting your surgery?

David and I are contemplating moving back to Glasgow (well back for him, anyway.)
My biggest concern is healthcare under the NHS. I have been so spoiled by US healthcare that I don't know if I could handle the NHS. Please give me you honest opinion of the services.

Thanks Mara

Other Brits, feel free to weight in.



If you decide to move to Glasgow you will probably be attending the Glasgow Royal Infirmary for any checkups regarding your heart. That is where I have been attending and am due to have my surgery. It's the waiting lists that are incredible. I attend once a year for a checkup. Since being told I require surgery I then had to wait around 3 months for an appointment to speak to the surgeon. I was told previous to this by the cardiologist that the waiting time for surgery is around 2 to 3 months. I am now told that my surgery will be around Springtime which is nearer 6 months. Another thing which I don't like is that since I have been attending my annual checkups (for more years than I care to remember) I have never seen the same Cardiologist twice. The Clinic Cardiologist is printed on your card but you never see him. It's just who happens to be in the Clinic when you attend. Usually you sit for hours to see him. Once you are in it only takes a few minutes then you have to go and wait for an echoscan which can then take time and then wait for the results to go and wait back at the Clinic to see the cardiologist again. Anyway I can't afford to go private so there's not much else I can do but wait.

All the best, Peachy
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Hi Mara...I go on Monday to Edinburgh for angioplasy (Sp?) to open some of the arteries around my valve and they are going to take a look at the valve ...I went for my usual checkup in Oct 2000 ...they took until Feb to tell me something may be wrong ..echo went from Inverness to Edinburgh (that's what took the time ) then I asked to see a Congential Consultant ..she is in Edinburgh that took until Sept ..and now this is me going in Dec...if I need the valve soon ..I'll still have to wait months ...tis the way things are here ..we just accept them ..
Mara ..we have friends that just emigrated from the US to live in our village ...he commutes once a month to the US for his work ..they are shocked by the lack of health checks here and have decided to keep their medical insurance in the US so they can fly home for medical care if need be ...She is shocked that we don't do smears every yr ..that we don't get a mamogram until we are 50 ...want me to go on ?
Think very carefully ...I think here we have a good standard of living in the things that money can't buy ...where we live is a great place to bring up kids ..we don't pay for their school and education is off a good standard ..where I live my kids are relatively safe ..everyone knows them and would care about them ...drugs are not a big problem ...clean air and a slower lifestyle ..we love it ..however ...everything here will be more expensive than the US except for medical care ...
wishing you luck with your descision ..keep in touch

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